Maknae Line x Male Reader

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Request by: Itz_Kat_YT

M/n pov.

I groan at the sight in front of me. Files after files fill the table in front of me. Why is there so much I said to myself before slamming my head on the table. I laid there for couple minutes till I heard the door open to the office. I look up to see my assistant coming in with a small blush on her face.

"Mr. L/n, umm your ummm....boyfriends are here......?" She said but it sounded more like a question.

I nod my head to signal her to let them in. I wonder what trouble the brats have gotten in this time. I need to start thinking of better punishment for them I reminded myself. I watch the door as it open and show the three walking in. They all smile and sat down in front of my desk.

"What do you need?" I ask looking down at some papers.

"M/-" I heard Jimin go to say but I look up at with.

"Sorr-" Jimin went to say but Jungkook cut him off.

"Daddy, look!" Jungkook yell and show me his hand.

I look over at his hand to see that he had gotten art done on it. I smile and kiss his hand making him pull away embarrassingly.

"Daddy no me!" Taehyung whine at.

He got up and sat down on my lap. I groan a bit at his weight but wrap my arms around him. He turn around and stuck his tongue out to the other. I brought my hand up over his mouth.

"No Taehyung." I said to him.

He pout and walk to go sit somewhere else. I got up and walk over to Jimin giving him his attention that he want. He jump up and I caught him. He laid his head in my neck and softly breath. I sat back down in my chair while the others pout at Jimin. I lean forward a bit and look at the paper in front of me.

After awhile Jimin start to kiss the side of my neck a bit trying to get my attention.

"Stop." Was I had to say for him to whine and stop.

Jungkook was on his phone watching something I thing. While Taehyung was kind of asleep on the couch I had in the office. A knock on the door interrupted the peace in the office then the door open.

"Mr. L/n, your dad's guest is here." She said and left.

I got up and put Jimin on the couch and moving Jungkook over to the couch as well. They watch me pouting that they couldn't be around me. I watch the door open and saw a girl that I haven't seen for 6 years.

"Mrs. Kim." I said watching her sit down.

"Mr. L/n, you look better." She said.

I nod and we talk back and forth about the business. Soon she said that she brought someone and they came in. She told him to go sit over in the couch with the others and I nod. We talk some more about stocks and products. Finally I look over not happy to see that my babies being bad....

"Well goodbye now Mr. L/n." She said and left.

I said a quick goodbye to her and look at the three. They didn't look up at me.

"What was that?" I ask carefully.

They didn't answer with cause more anger to rise in me.

"On your knees." I said.

I saw them before Mrs. Kim's boy came in. To touch themselves without permission.

"Does anyone want to explain." I ask again.

No answer came from any of them. I went to the side of my desk and pull at three collars. They all watch slowly knowing what I went to grab. They quickly look down again as I came back to be in front of them.

I grab the grey-ish silver collar and walk over to Jungkook. He pout as I place it on him and whine at the weight as I let it go.

I went over to Jimin next and put a white chain collar. He kept his head down and didn't look up at all. I smile a but knowing he would accept the punishment.

Taehyung was last because he never does well with punishment. Place a black collar around his neck which he flinched away from the cold metal.

They all kept their head down till after I was done with all the collars then they got up. They look at each other and frown. The boys never really like the collars but they aren't going to like the rest of the day.

After couple of hours of them on their knees by the couch I got up and told them to get on the couch. They all slowly sat down and look up at me. I grab each one of their hands and place something in it. They all look at the object that laid in their hand then to me.

"Go put it on." I said pointing to the restroom.

They slowly got up and walk to the bathroom to do what they had too. I sat down in the chair behind my desk and watch the bathroom door to see them. The door open and the three boys walk out. I smirk at their faces and let them watch to in front of me.

"I-i ca-n't..." Jungkook whine at falling to his knees.

I watch him as he moan on the floor a bit. I knew that my littlest boy would fall first because he so sensitive. I still sat hearing Jungkook moan and cry out. The other two boys bite their lip and sometimes look over at Jungkook.

Taehyung was next to break at the whine he was giving off. I watch him closely as he start to pull at his clothes. His hand were in a ball and face red. His lip start to bleed couple of minutes ago but he was refusing himself. But the his leg shake and soon he fell down on the floor with Jungkoom.

Last was Jimin, he watch Jungkook and Taehyung fall. He look over at me and whimper softly then look me in the eyes.

"P-lease....." Jimin try to say.

I shook my head and watch him even more. He place his hand over his mouth trying to keep himself together but I knew how to break them. I knew piece by piece what to do to break each one of them without me touching them. I could tell that Jimin was maybe already on his third orgam. He could never go over......

Soon not long after I he said please be was done. I turn off all three of the things and look them over on the floor.

Jungkook was red face with his mouth open trying to catch his breath again. Taehyung had tears and legs where weakly fell to the side of him. Jimin was on his knees with his hands caught up on his clothes.

I laugh a bit at them and turn back to finish the rest of my paperwork...

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