Jungkook x Male Reader

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Request by @chibi_bunny_99

M/n pov.

I look at the ground trying to understand what I just did. I might have ruin my life now...... or maybe embarrassed myself for the rest of my life. I don't really know what to do now. I mean I confessed and he told me a no then walked away to got laugh along with his friends...

Now all I know is that everyone is kind of laughing at me now. Who did he tell? I look around to see people gossiping while look at me. I ran off into the bathroom where I was left alone to think everything over. He had to tell one of his friends that told another and now everyone knows. There was a knock on the door then it open to one of my best friends with a concern look.

"Are you okay?" Taehyung ask look at me with sad eyes.

I nodded my head knowing that Taehyung knew I wasn't not after everyone found out. He came and sat with me. He hug me telling me that he wasn't worth the time or thoughts but I knew that he was.... I mean that's the reason why I confess to him.

"Is it because I'm-" I went to say but Taehyung cover my mouth.

"No bunny it isn't because of that but let play games with him. He thinks he can play you then let's play him." Taehyung said with a smile.

I didn't really want to do that but how bad could it go everyone was already laughing at me anyway.

It took months before Taehyung and me reach the first playing spot. It was a new school year and finally that last school year I would have.

I was woke up rudely by Taehyung who came over with an outfit for the first day. He also made me get a haircut and went some clothes shopping the week before. I look at the outfit and notice that it was nice yeah but would it do the trick tho.

"Hurry hurry." Taehyung said while fixing his hair in the mirror.

I quickly took off my clothes and replace them with the ones that Taehyung had bought to me. They sat nicely against my new slim body that I had work on so hard. I turn and smile at him.

"I think this would do..." I said looking at myself in the mirror.

He nod and smile then grab my hand to pull me down the stair to his car. He got in and I follow ready to ruin life of no other then Jeon Jungkook.......


A/n: I don't know why I stop here but it seem like a good idea.... 🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♂️

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