Taehyung x Male Reader x Jungkook

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A/n: request by AngelaArmlink

"You can only be Jealous of someone
who has something you think you ought have yourself" - Margaret Atwood

(Au, Smut, Angst, and Fluff)


Jungkook pov.

Sitting around the table was hard for me at lunch time. It's so hard to see the person I love in front of me with my best friend. That Taehyung took what was going to be mine because he is selfish.

M/n could have been mine if I didn't get up and get the food. All because of that they just sit in front of me and rub it in. Even tho they aren't even officially a couple it stil-

"Jungkook." I heard Jin say while a wave his hands in front of my face.

"Yeah?" I ask.

"Do you want come out with all of us later tonight?" He ask.

I look in front of me to see M/n look at me waiting for me to answer.

"I guess." I said before grabbing my stuff and leaving the table.

I sigh feeling them look at me as I left. I can't take this. M/n is and always on my mind. I can't sit there and watch them together.

"Fuck you let it happen again." I said to myself.

"Did what?" I heard a voice for behind me.

I turn around to see M/n standing in front of me.

"Nothing." I said to him and walk up to my locker.

"It has to be something or you wouldn't have walk away from the table like that." He said with a frustrating tone.

I ignore him as my mind throw up pictures of him and Taehyung. I clench my fists and slam my locker shut. M/n flinch a bit but stay where he was.

"Jungkook what happen?" He ask.

"What do you mean?"

"I don't know. We use to hang out all the time and after awhile you stop....." He said lowly.

I roll my eyes trying to hold myself back from snapping at him. It wasn't his fault that I was jealous. Even that I hate to say it that's not even Taehyung's fault.

"Jus-." I went to say.

"NO TELL ME WHAT IS WRONG!" M/n yell at me.

"I can't." I whisper out to him.

I couldn't bring myself even after every time I just want to go up and kiss him. He look down at the floor and shook his head.

"Lets go..." he said grabbing my hand and dragging me out of the hallway and outside.

He didn't stop there he pull me all the way to my house and open the door. He marched all the way to up to my room. He push me in and sat down on the floor.

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