Jungkook x Male Reader ♡1♡

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Request by KimTaesookookArmlink



/n pov.

A part of me seem to die as I watch Jungkook kiss someone else. The thought of him cheating never cross my mind when he said that he was out doing something or that he was busy. Now look at where we are at.... I grab hold of Taehyung's hand and drag him away from them. I dont want to be here anymore. He made it very clear just now that he like or even love someone else and now I have to deal with that.

"M/n what is wrong?" Taehyung ask looking around to see if there was something making me uncomfortable.

He stop look after awhile and I guess he saw them. I watch his eye darken and fill with anger. I just kept my head down and continue to walk. I don't want to deal with this now.


That night when he came home, he kiss me on the check and smile as he went into the kitchen. Now I know why he was so happy after coming from a "long" day at work. How could I be so stupid not to see this.

Maybe it was because I never thought he would cheat on me. Now here I sit in a room with my cheating husband how nice.

He came back into the living room and sat down next to me. He began talking about the boys and lunch time which was all wrong because he was with someone else.

"I know you don't have to pretend anymore Jungkook." I whisper to him.

"What do you mean?" He ask.

"I saw you kiss them. You don't have to lie to me anymore." I try to get out without crying the sadness fill my heart as he didn't say anything else.

"....look I'm so-..." he when to say but I quickly cut him off.

"Please don't say anything. I'm leaving and I don't want you to worry. We can still be friends and all but please let me go." I slowly said almost regretting my word as I said them.

I got off the couch and walk to our room that we shared. Here it's end just like how they said it would be. Everyone around me told me and now look what I did. I didn't listen to them and I'm stuck in this marriage.


It's been couple weeks and now I live in a small apartment next to the beach. It's kind of relaxing but it's lonely. I haven't decided it I want a divorce or not and I guess Jungkook is either. I haven't talk or heard from him at all.

This is it isn't it. I will never find anyone at all and still end up being marry to a person who doesn't love me at all. Who cheats on me with other people and breaks my heart everytime I see him.

My love this is to you


A/n: okay this is part one of this series so be on the look out for this
(Jungkook x Male reader ♡1,2,3♡)
Yup there is only going to be three parts so I'll see you in the next part

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