Hoseok x Male Reader (Aus)

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Third pov.

M/n quickly start to lock up the small cafe he work in. He was finally glad that it was time to go home. He look outside to see the moon shining bright in the sky. He smile a bit thinking about his cat the was alone at home by himself. He really needs to hurry before the cat gets into the food bag again.

M/n put his keys back in his pocket and quickly walk down the sidewalk. He pull his phone out and look at the many messages he had gotten but he didn't answer. He didn't want to deal with his "friends" if they could be call that. The walk was taking a very long time as he continue to walk.

"STOP!" M/n heard someone yell from the alleyway.

He stop in front of alleyway. He was kind of scare as he start to go down the alleyway. He felt someone come behind him pulling him out of the alleyway.

"I wouldn't do that." The stranger said.

M/n went to scream but the stranger place his hand over his mouth.

"Come on now don't be like that." He said in M/n's ear.

"Yah Hoseok let's go." He heard someone yell to him.

"Sorry baby but to make sure I can find you again." He said.

M/n was scare at what he said. He watch him grab something from his pocket and cover his eyes with his hand that was covering his mouth. He felt a strong pain in his wrist cause him to yell as the pain increases.

"Bye baby." He whisper to him.

He let him go and ran off to where the others where. M/n stare in front of him at the seven boys who walk away like nothing happen. M/n look down af his wrist and frown at the blood and pain. There in his wrist was the guys name. HOSEOK in big ugly letters.

M/n cry a bit trying to reason with himself about it. But instead he quickly made his way home and feed the cat then try to find something to hide the ugly cuts on his wrist.

"I'll make it where you never find me." M/n said as he thought of ways to cover it.

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