Jimin x Seme Male Reader

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Request by: Chaos_Infection

Third pov.

Jimin groan as his pants rub against his hard on. He thrust up against the material trying to get some kind fiction.

"F-fuck." He moan out.

Jimin couldn't hold back anymore and pull his pants out quickly. He whine as the cold air hit against his member. Jimin pull out his phone and look up his favorite porn site. He moan at the video of a dom male thrusting into a tiny male.

Jimin spread his legs a bit and let his fingers wonder down to his waiting hole. He moan as his fingers slip in. Jimin press his finger to his sweet spot as the two males came in the video. He whine when he pull his fingers out. He look at many videos to see which one was next. He stop at a video that look just like his roommate. He click on the video and watch some of it.

"Omg that Y/n." He whisper and watch his roommate pound into another.

Jimin frown feeling a bit weird about it but soon he found himself reaching over to his dresser and pull at his vibrator. He blush at it knowing that Hoseok and Namjoon gave it to him as a joke. He grab a small bottle lube and pour on the the vibrator. He bit his lip as he slip it into himself. Jimin moan as he turn the vibrator on the highest setting.

Y/n pov.

I start to unlock the door to my share apartment. When I heard moaning coming from inside. Fuck Jimin please don't have someone over. I open the door and walk in. I went down the hallway and saw Jimin's door crack a bit.

I look through it see him with his legs spread and a dildo up his ass. He seem to whine as he came again. I look around to see the remote on the floor. I laugh a bit and watch him cum again.

His moan became loud as it didn't stop and I knew that he was finally start to be a little too sensitive. He frown as he start to look for the remote but came to nothing.

The sensitive boy soon laid there and moan again. I clench my jaw finally hearing small whimpers of my name come out of his mouth. I couldn't hold back anymore and throw the door open.

He look at me and quickly try to cover himself. He was embarrassed at what he was doing. I stood there and slowly watch him on the bed. I kept eye contact with him as I got to the side of the bed. I climb on top of him and watch him moan out again.

I smirk and let my hand wonder down to the vibrator and push it deep into him. He groan and yell out as it hit his prostate straight on.

"So sensitive baby." I said to him.

He blush a bit and reach down to remove the vibrator. I lean back and watch him pull it out slowly. I bite my lip as I watch hole clench and unclench around air. He laid still trying to caught his breath.

I didn't want him to be out of the mood so I lean forward and let my finger trace the rim of hole. Jimin throw his head back and thrust his hips down. I watch them slowly enter him as he thrust his hips. He fuck himself on my finger and moan out reaching another climax.

I was more them turn on now. I quickly grab a hold of neck and pin him down. I grab my member and line up to his waiting hole. I press my tip against the ring of muscles. I look up at caughting his eyes and smirk.

He whine and ask for more from his what his eyes are saying. I didn't waste no time and slam into him. I thrust fast and hard not giving him time to adjust to my size. He claw at my arm and moan as I pound into him. He look like a mess under me, I love it. He had tears running down his eyes as I hit his prostate hard. I press a bit more down on his neck making him whine at the pressure.

"You're mine now Jimin."

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