Interlude: Wings

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M/n pov.

I say there crying looking at them......I'm here see me....... please........


Thrid pov.

Jungkook sat on the old couch at the hideout. He was by himself now....... he couldn't save his hyungs... he couldn't save anyone. Where did Taehyung go? He was confused on what was happening. He hated the fact that he couldn't do anything.

Jungkook shook his head and laid down on the cold ground. Maybe if he laid there it would be fine....after all there isn't anyone to save him now. He just need a little sleep. Jungkook just closed his eyes only to feel his phone vibrating in his pocket. He ignored the phone and continue to laid on the cold ground. After all it was M/n fault he was alone......... Rain start to fall from the sky as he cry himself to sleep thinking of the last time he saw M/n.

When he woke up the rain still fell and it was dark outside. Maybe it copy his emotions because at the time he felt the same. Jungkook got up and look around the cold and empty hung out spot. This was once a warm and safe place but now there is nothing almost like it was before.

Jungkook walk out of hung out spot and start along the path of sidewalk. About three in the morning he remember after looking at his phone that now still laid on the cold ground at the place. He walk along the broke sidewalk watching cars pass him. The thoughts he had wouldn't stop at all the memories that him and the boys shared. Why are they coming back now? He thought.

Jungkook watch car after car go by before he made his decision.

I'm sorry M/n, my wing are gone

M/n pov.

Watching him leave this world like the rest hurt me. He was blaming himself for something that he couldn't stop.............. if I didn't die would it had been the same?

A/n: yes I know it is short but Jungkook's story leads farther then what I came write.....
Also I'm sorry for not updating that much I'm a shitty person I know.

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