Yoongi x Male Reader

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A/n: request by mignightskyx


Third pov.

M/n bit his lip as he watch Yoongi from a far. He was going to do it. He was going to finally ask Yoongi to be his boyfriend. He had it play all out. He was going to wait till they had class outside and just do it. He was super nervous but he couldn't not ask anymore.

M/n took a deep breath as he heard the bell to go to his next class. It was finally time. M/n quickly got up and made his way to the classroom. He sat down and wait for everyone else to fill so that he could confess to Yoongi. The teacher went through what they would be doing while they were outside.

Then finally the teacher took them outside. M/n look around the school yard for Yoongi. He found Yoongi over in the corner trying to stay out of the sunlight. M/n laugh a bit at him and start to walk over to him.

"Yoongi." M/n said getting Yoongi's attention.

Yoongi look at M/n and look away from him. M/n bite his lip trying to find a way to say this again. It's like his brain forgot what to say.

"I....umm...I want to know if y-you want to g-go out w-with me?" M/n ask.

Yoongi look at M/n and frown at what he ask. He laugh a bit and look around to make sure no one was looking.

"Sorry I don't date loners." He said as he walk away from M/n.

M/n look down at the ground and walk away from the spot. He try to cheer himself up but nothing really working. He bite his lip trying to keep himself from crying. He couldn't believe this. He cuss at himself because he knew that it would be a no. He shouldn't be upset about it but it hurt and broke his heart a bit.

Yoongi step away from M/n. He bite his lip and look away from the sad male. He want to say yes but if the boys found out they would make jokes about it. He didn't want to embarrass himself or M/n anymore then he was. He just walk away looking at the male here and there. He felt his heart broke as he saw tears run down M/n face. The class end and Yoongi went over to his friends. They all went to class and talk, joke and laugh for the rest of the day.

After the last class Yoongi and the boys were went to their locker. Yoongi saw M/n go to his locker look a lot worse then he did during their class together. He notice that Taehyung and Jungkook lookimg at him too.

"Look at the loner he crying." Jungkook said while pointing over at M/n.

The others laugh as Yoongi watch M/n walk away from them.

"What a fucking loser." Jimin added to the conversation before grabbing his bag.

Yoongi pov.

I bite my lip watching him walk away. I clench my fists trying to control myself but I just couldn't.

"I have to go." I said quickly.

"Where the hell are you going?" Namjoon ask before I left.

"I'm going to go fix something I mess up." I said to them.

Jin pull me back before I could leave.

"What did you mess up?" Jin ask look at me.

The others surround me waiting for me to answer.

"I'm going to go tell M/n yes to being his boyfriend. Also I'm done with you all if you keep talking shit to my soon to be boyfriend." I said as I left leaving them shock.

I quickly ran out of the school and down the road to M/n's house. Once I got there I knock on the door waiting for the door to open. The door open and a women stood there.

"Hey is M/n here." I ask.

"Yeah he's up in his room." She said as she move away from the door letting me come in.

I walk up the stairs looking at all the doors trying to find his. I saw one that had M/n's name on it and open the door. I saw him on his bed with his headphones in. I frown at the sad look on his face and it look like he cry so more. I walk over to his bed and sat down next to him. He didn't look over at me at all. He just laid there and look at the wall. I grab the headphones and took them off.

"M/n I'm sorry. I want to be you boyfriend. I just was scare at the time and I'm sorry for anything I did to you that made you upset or hurt you. I really love you M/n." I cry out.

I felt M/n get up and sit next to me. I didn't look up feeling like I fuck up big time. M/n pull me to him and cry with me.

"I love you too." M/n said.

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