Seokjin x Male Reader

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M/n pov.

I watch him sit in front of me with a smile. I really don't know why he is smiling..... he just told me the worst thing...

"I just want you to know..... I'm sorry that it had to be on your birthday..." he said still smiling.

I was kind of mad.... who the hell is smiling right now. I frown and felt my eyes watering.

"How can you smile....." I ask look at him.

He look down but didn't stop. He shrugged at me and look around the place that we sat in.

"I guess I'm finally happy to get away from you... I mean I have been done with you for awhile. I even found someone else." He said with a frown on his face.

I sat there with my eye wife. He cheated on me.... I know something was going on. I got up quickly and went to leave but he stop me.

"Where are you going?" He ask.

"Somewhere I never have to see you again. Don't contact me.... I understand so bye." I said pulling my hand away from him.

He watch me but didn't follow. I quickly went home and pulling everything that he gave me into a box. I walk outside and throw it by the trash. That was all it was anyway. I went back inside and laid down on the bed.

I was more then ready to start over again soon.......

One Shots!!!! (Bts x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now