Dom!Hoseok x Sub!Male Reader

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Request by @youknowwhatkids

M/n pov.

I look up at the window hoping that he would come by today. A frown was place down on my lips watching more and more people come and go. Finally it was the end of the night.

"Well better luck next time." I said to myself while locking the door to the shop and walking home alone that night.

The next morning was another day to be happy and waiting. Hours went by and soon it was noon. It was time to wait and see if anyone was going to come or not. Finally the evening came and time seem to slow down.

'Where is he.' I thought to myself and feeling a bit scared but try to stay positive.

I turn away from the door and lean against the counter. Maybe he is really gone like everyone say he would do. But it wasn't long before I heard the door open again.

"Hello again baby." I hear a voice say.

I quickly turn around to see Hoseok with his buddies came in. I jump across the counter and ran to him to hug him.

"I miss you so much." I said look up at him.

He smile at me and brought me up for a kiss that was short lived but it was better.

"I would never leave without say a goodbye........ I was kind of busy with somethings but that doesn't matter...." he said to me while holding my hand.

I couldn't care what he was doing just want to be close with him. Hobi move us to the tables in the back and pull me to him. We sat there and watch each other eyes trying to figure out a message. But it was all something that was leading up to. I love him and I know he loves me....

So where ever he goes I go with him......

(Sorry it was short....I'm trying)

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