Dom!Jimin x Sub!Male Reader

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Request by @Itz_Kat_YT
M/n pov.

I look down at my outfit that laid on the sink. I'm not wearing this is all I could think to myself on this time. But there wasn't anything else around to change into. The clothes I left were gone and my dirty clothes were gone too. So what do I do?

I lift up the ears and put them on my head. You can do this...... I pull the short skirt up my legs and the super short top that only cover the top of my chest.

"You can do it....." I said to myself before stepping out.

Jimin came around the corner and stop in front of me. He look me up and down.

"M/n why here?" He ask.

I didn't understand what he was talking about but that's not what worry me. What worry about was the look on Jimin face. He seem to undress me with his eyes. He quickly grab my arm and pull me to his room.

"You forgot something kitty." Jimin whisper to me.

I was confused till he push me down on the bed and grab my hip to pull them up in the air. I felt something cold press into me. I turn around to see what he was doing to find myself with a tail butt plug.

"Beautiful baby." He said with a growl.

I whimper feeling him press his cock onto my butt. I wanted him........................

"Please master............" Was all I could say.

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