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“It looks like I have to stay overnight here, Tiara.”

Rikkun’s words reminded over and over inside my brain. My perception of time stopped as I indulge myself to some deep wild imagination.

Me and Rikkun…

Alone in this condo unit…

In the middle of a cold night…


“U-Ummm... Tiara?” Rikkun forced a smile but his stare at me certainly looks troubled. “Why is there a bright smirk on your face?”


I held my red warm cheeks and noticed that I’ve been having a creepy smile to my boyfriend! Shimata! I’m so perverted! I immediately slapped my face to erase that smiley face of mine as I tried desperately to force my way out of this.

“Ahahaha!” I scratched my head. “I-I just remembered a funny T-T-TV show I watched this morning, a-and I c-c-can’t stop laughing whenever I remember it. B-B-B-Believe me!”

Rikkun maintained his troubled smile and forced himself to nod. This is no good. I have to evade this awkward atmosphere between us!

“R-Rikkun, undress.”


“I-I-I-I mean, give me your clothes! You’re soaking wet! You’ll get cold if you stay like that!”

I really hate my way of choosing words. It makes me really awkward in front of the person I love. I just hope he won’t think of me as a pervert or something...


The whirring sound of the dryer is the only one making noise in the living room. It’s too silent. We can’t even hear the winds of the storm outside from my soundproof room. I’m sure that if we open the windows, the serenity of this sanctuary will be ruined by the chaotic air.

Rikkun is on the sofa wiping his hair with a dry towel. He’s on his boxers and shirt, waiting for his clothes to dry down. And I’m just awkwardly watching him.

When our eyes met, I immediately averted my gaze. I don’t want him to think creepily of me since I’ve been staring at him for five minutes.

“R-Rikkun… I-I’ll just prepare some tea.” I said as I immediately turned away in an attempt to hide my red cheeks.


I went to the kitchen and prepared two cups of warm chamomile tea as I collect my thoughts. Geez, being alone with my boyfriend in the very same roof makes my heart race fast.

I tried inhaling and exhaling several times, but no good.

I do really feel nervous about this!

I went back to the room with a tray containing two teacups. Rikkun is already finished wiping his wet body. I saw his abs just before he put on his shirt, and now I’m getting wet.

“H-Here’s a chamomile tea~,” I said as I laid it on the small table.

We both sat down on the carpet in a traditional Japanese manner. Then we both sipped on our lukewarm tea at the same time. We even laid the cup back to the table in sync.

Then there was an awkward silence. It seems that the dryer has finally finished incubating his clothes. Only the sound of the ticking of the clock remains.

[Book 2] Gate Guardian - Song of the Frozen SoulWhere stories live. Discover now