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When the pillar of light finally faded, I realized that the Heavenly Blade of Eternity: <Frosthalia> is slowly disintegrating. Molecule by molecule, it converted itself into specks of light that danced in the air. The <Heart of Light> that I withdrew from the young Tiara of the past is only good for one use, and it is safe to say that I have nothing left under my sleeve.


I exhaled out smoke to the air. I’m quite exhausted, and I don’t think I have enough prana to activate the Aether Armor if anything goes wrong. I sat on my knees and tried to gasp for air. My lungs feel like it swallowed shards of broken glass, and it's painful to breathe.

“...You’re stubborn, aren’t you?”

Aeternos is still alive. However, his Aether Armor started to fall from his body. The <Eternity Blast> that I have unleashed towards him must have that effect since only <Frosthalia> and any other person related to the Frozen Soul can manage to destroy the armor.

Aeternos slowly walked forward, with his katana scratching the icy floor. The cursed crimson eyes of this future Alaric Eisenhower give the idea of madness and evil. He’s ready to strike me down.

“<God Core Release: Chronos Ascension>

Lightning surged towards the body of future Alaric Eisenhower, and I heard him moaning in pain. The God Core of Chronos is not compatible with him, but he’s forcing it to extract its time powers. As a result, future Alaric Eisenhower maintained his original form, but he is buffed with silver electricity. I can sense divine prana on his katana.

With a swift sword slash in the air, he opened a Time Gate right beside me. I guess this bastard’s only purpose of forcing himself to the God Core is just to kick me out of this timeline.

“We both know how it ends. You may have destroyed my <Aethernus> but you still have no way of defeating me. Now… be a good boy and go back to the Phoenix Incident.”

It’s no use. I can’t move. I’ve completely depleted my prana, and my whole body aches. I guess this is as far as I go.

Future Alaric Eisenhower grabbed me by the collar. He twisted his body and readied himself for a big throw, but…

“<Void Art: God Core Assimilation>!!!” A familiar sweet voice echoed.

“What the-!!!” Aeternos cried.

When my future self looked back, he saw someone who’s unexpected. He saw the beauty of his eternal love once again, but instead of being happy, he was filled with sorrow and disappointment. I’m pretty sure that the beautiful love of his life is filled with the same emotion too.

“I… I’m sorry, Rikkun…” Tiara muttered with tears.

“T-Tiara… what… are you doing!?” Future Alaric cried.

“I-I know that what I’m doing does not make any sense, but I believe in you. I believe in the past you who are filled with justice and devoid of evil. I know that you’re a good person, whether it’s the past, present, or future, Rikkun. That is why I have to do this.”

Tiara withdrew her hand from the back of the future Alaric Eisenhower and finally managed to remove the God Core that ought to defeat me. She’s now holding a grayish God Core of Chronos, and the God Core immediately dissolved to her chest.

“No! Give me back that God Core!” Aeternos cried. “Please, Tiara! I need to deliver my old self to the past!”

Tiara just put her hands on her chest tight and shook her head. Tears sprinkled which slightly moved my future self.

[Book 2] Gate Guardian - Song of the Frozen SoulWhere stories live. Discover now