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A swift breeze blew upon the remaining living grasses in these plains, or what once it ought to be. The landscape has been completely changed into a distorted field. There are craters and canals all around, some wildfires are raging, and there are lots of cracks in this earth. It’s good that we have been fighting here in Yami, or else we would have destroyed the nearby town in the Earth Realm.

“I will never kill you, Tiara…”

Rikkun’s answer is a straight-up instinct in which he did not even try to think about.

“I will save you, and bring you back. Even if the world turns against you, I will be by your side… The same goes even if you turn against yourself.”

Suddenly, Rikkun dematerialized the cybernetic gauntlets on his left hand. He pulled something from his pocket and equipped it on the said arm. It was a red fingerless glove that contains a drawing of a magical circle.

<Nexus Seal>. That is the seal that failed to contain the evil inside me. It can only seal the Curse of Necross, but not the Curse of the Brightmore Witch, the Evil God Cores, nor the Sins of Aeternos. However, I can feel that I should be wary of that glove. 

That is Rikkun’s final resort in saving me.

I gritted my teeth. I want to finish this battle as fast as I can. I want to kill him right now so that he will not suffer from this fight any longer. And then I will just revive him once I sing the <Song of Salvation>.

“<Aethernus>,” Rikkun muttered as the Aether Armor reconstructed on his body once again. 

The Aether Armor now has this long red cloak wrapped in its left arm, signaling that the <Nexus Seal> glove has finally been combined with his armor. I didn’t feel any boost in power with his upgraded form, but I know I should evade any of his incoming attacks. 

I… I need to get rid of that seal off him! If I get touched by that, it might be all over for me!

“<Divine Shenlong Drive>!!!” I gracefully spun around, making my white dress spread out like a spinning fully-bloomed flower, as I charged energy with my right fist. I unleashed the golden light I charged for a short amount of time and it transformed into a train-sized dragon!

“<God Fragment: Mercury, Ra, Thor>!!!” Rikkun buffed his body with lightning, flames, and wings. He rushed forward, straight to the giant golden dragon as he cast another spell! “<Moonlight Boost>!!!”

Everything went dark, and I saw a silver streak spiraling around the golden dragon I unleashed. Rikkun did not just evade my attack, he used it as a bridge to get close to me!

“<Divine Jakiro Twinfist>!!!” I shouted, and my fists were coated in dragon-heads that are made of pure divinity. With these dragon fists, I made a swift right hook as soon as Rikkun entered my attack range.

“<God Fragment: Hephaestus, Mars>!!!” Rikkun magically forged giant buster swords from each of his hands and parried my dragon fist with the flat part of his blade. And then he made a counterattack, making a swift slash aiming for my left arm!

“Haaah!” I quickly reacted by punching off the sword that is about to hit me. I also made a counter-counterattack by unleashing an uppercut! “Sei!”

“Oryah!” Rikkun deflected my fists once again as he slides his buster sword just below my wrist. Then he followed a counter-counter-counterattack with a downward slash! “Hyaaaah!”

Our fists and swords clashed, making powerful shockwaves around. Space and time ripped in this dimension that distorted the earth once more. The skies have been shattered, the rocks started floating in the absence of gravity, and the air started burning due to excessive friction. Lava geysers started spraying around in this place, and there are countless thunderstorms as if this is the end of the world.

[Book 2] Gate Guardian - Song of the Frozen SoulWhere stories live. Discover now