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The shadow feels threatened due to my presence. Having <Archgoddess Mode> activated means that I have asserted a little bit of dominance on this battlefield. The shadow just passes through any attacks, so it shouldn’t be scared of me.


“Urh!” Rikkun struggled to stand up. His bleeding arms, legs, shoulders, and feet made it hard for him to move, but he managed to fix his standing position. He deployed a ring that contains hologram screens that were used my field commanders in operations. “Tiara, I'll support you with my commands! I will predict the shadow's next actions!”

“R-Roger!” I cried out loud. I pumped my fists once again, charging electricity around me in the process, then I proceeded to launch myself towards the lone enemy! “Here I go!”

The shadow did not blink. Its crimson eyes just locked unto me, but the tentacle tails on its back rushed towards my position. However, the speed of his rushing tendrils is slow for my perception. I can see through its openings, so I dashed left and right, spun on midair, and dance like a gorgeous geisha to evade a hundred tentacles.

“<Divine Fafnir Smash>!!!” I coated my right arm with tremendous prana that shaped itself into a gigantic golden dragon’s claw. With such power, I made a full-force right hook swing aimed at the shadow!

In the nick of time, the shadow materialized more dark tentacles from its back that crawled all the way to its front, shielding it from the incoming damage! A shockwave blasted out the place upon the impact which made the water in the shallow river float in midair due to the nullification of gravity.

“Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!!!” The shadow cried in pain as it dashed backward, barely fleeing the punch. The tentacle barrier it made was evaporated by my <Divine Fafnir Smash> and the left arm of the shadow is no more. 

“It… It worked!?” Rikkun cried in astonishment. Realizing this, he clenched his fists and cheered for me. The golden cross sigil on his eyes glowed, which indicates that he just turned his <Presage> on. “Do that again, Tiara! Focus on attacking! Sasageyo! Sasageyo!”

“A-All right!” I made a boxing stance once again. I looked at my right fists that blasted the shadow’s tentacles and arm, and I saw some kind of glitchy pixelated dust around it. The weird particles diminished completely in midair thereafter, and I don’t know what that is.

“Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!!!” The shadow cried. Realizing that my attacks are working, it spawned more tendrils until it no longer retains the form of a humanoid; it now has six hind arms, four legs, demonic wings, and sharp fangs.

The tentacles dived forward with only me as their target. The tendrils are so widespread that it makes it hard for me to judge where to dodge, but good thing Rikkun is there for me!

“Slide to the left, duck, jump to the right, rush forward, then stomp on the tentacle that will appear in front of your face!” RIkkun commanded.

I did what he commanded. I evaded each sharp tentacle by doing gracious spins and ankle-breakers, swan-like acrobatics, and flexible gymnastics. When the nearest tentacle was about to pierce my heart, I made a backflip and stomped on the tentacle, and then used it as a road towards the shadow!

“Haaaaaaaah!!!” I lept upwards and glared at the enemy, readying both my left and right fist for my attack! “<Divine Ananta-Shesha Fury>!!!”

Thousands of golden fist afterimages rained upon the enemy. The shadow used all of its tentacles to block each and every punch. However, the tentacles are not strong enough to repel my attacks. Each afterimage punch flicked a tentacle away in midair, and as milliseconds go by, the shadow is shredded with its main weapon!

[Book 2] Gate Guardian - Song of the Frozen SoulWhere stories live. Discover now