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I didn’t have a choice, so I immediately accepted Naomi in the Aether Crusade. I know how she’s overprotective over her womanizing husband and arguing about that issue will spend a lot more time so I just went with her way. I trust Naomi anyway, and a healer Gate Guardian would be useful in case everything goes south.

The next day came by so fast. I have informed the Kozukata Shrine about our plans, so they immediately prepared the bell tower for the <Song of Salvation>. The Kozukata Shrine businesses and other activities closed for this day and they all focused on guarding the perimeter, making sure that nobody would trespass.

The Aether Crusade assembled on top of the bell tower, carefully surrounding Tiara in a circle. Everybody deployed their Weapon Gems, which is a sign that everything is ready. When Tiara saw this signal among our teammates, she let out a nerve-calming sigh.

Instantly, Tiara’s shrine maiden dress immediately transformed into an eastern goddess’s robe with a floating scarf. Flames ignited on the tip of her skirt and sleeve. Ten white fluffy wings spawned from her back. This is her <Demigoddess Mode>.

“Tiara, good luck.” I made a quick smack kiss on her soft sweet lips. 

“Ah!” Tiara blushed and she’s now on full red. She was caught off-guard with that one. “S-Stop kissing me all of a sudden, Rikkun! My heart can’t take it!”

“Hahaha, I’m sorry, my love.” I laughed arrogantly as I patted my girlfriend’s head like a puppy. “You shouldn’t be nervous about that.”

“Auuu... Stop teasing me, Rikkun… I might not be able to focus…” Tiara pouted.

I always kiss Tiara as a good luck charm in order for her to remember that I am there whenever she does her best. That kiss is supposed to calm her, and not to make her nervous. I guess that always has the opposite effect on a shy girl like her.

Meanwhile… Somebody is trying to imitate my romantic scene with Tiara.

“Kristoff, good luck.” Jeanne pressed her face forward, ready to make a quick smack kiss to Kristoff.

However, Naomi made her way in between the two and blocked Jeanne’s lip with her palm.

“Hey, don’t kiss my husband.” Naomi glared like a jaguar ready to eat a deer.

“Hahaha, old habits!” Jeanne knocked her forehead. Then she made a smug as she teasingly asked Kristoff. “Anyway, are you sure you’re not taking up my good luck kiss, Kristoff?”

“Uh, er…” Kristoff blushed as he scratched his head. He’s hardly processing his words as he’s confused about his decision. “W-Well, maybe a smack would do…”

“Hey!” Naomi is in full rage mode. Her ears are releasing off some steam. “Are you really admitting a mistress in front of me!?”

“Just kidding! Just kidding!” Kristoff awfully tried to calm her wife. “You’re the only one I love, Naomi!”

Jeanne just chuckled like a sassy princess in the corner. I don’t know if she’s doing it on purpose, but it seems that she has this hidden hatred against Naomi. She always tries to piss her off.

To get the attention of our members, I clapped my hand so hard that my palms become red. When I was already sure that everybody’s attention is to me, I made a proclamation.

“Everybody, to battle stations! All Aether Crusade members, get ready! Our one and only objective is to protect Tiara Hikari at all costs.”

[Book 2] Gate Guardian - Song of the Frozen SoulWhere stories live. Discover now