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Somewhere in this Yami dimension is a silver streak venturing from place to place. The silver streak is a knight in shining platinum armor who is dragging a lady by her face with a speed greater than lightning. They have passed through different fields of this parallel dimension already that they don’t know if they’re still in Heightsburg or not. 

“Get off me! Get off me!!!” The lady in the flowery dress cried as she slammed her clawed hands on the metallic arms of Aeternos. However, Aeternos did not budge a bit so he just ignored the protest of the witch.

“Your wish is my command!” Aeternos (Rikkun) said as he loosened the grip of his fingers on Esperia’s face. They are currently dashing at an extremely fast speed so when he let go of the witch, the witch rolled on the rocky soil for about twenty times!

“Gah! Ack! Kya! Ulp!” Esperia cried in pain.

To stop the witch from rolling, Rikkun immediately caught the witch again, this time on her collar, and then slammed her on the ground!

“Gyaaaah!” Esperia cried. “H-How dare you to treat a lady like this!?”

“This is equal punishment!” Rikkun’s terrifying cybernetic voice echoed in the atmosphere. “You killed me, you killed my friends, you killed our universe, and you hurt Tiara! You can’t excuse yourself just because you’re a woman!”

Rikkun held the witch’s neck and slammed her on the ground, making a huge crater. Esperia puked black blood from her nose and mouth as a result, but Rikkun is not yet satisfied!

“Hraaagh! Graaaah!” With his right fist that is buffed with fire and lightning, Rikkun made consecutive punches straight to the Heretic’s face. Those destructive punches immediately crumpled the beautiful face of Esperia. Dark flesh started swelling out from the cuts.

“Hahaha… Hahaha…” Esperia laughed.

“What’s so funny now, b*tch!” Rikkun roared. He materialized an ice sword, ready to skewer the witch’s brain.

“You’re now acting more like Aeternos.”

With those words, Rikkun immediately stopped harassing the witch. Esperia is right. Rikkun has lost his cool that he failed to notice that he’s about to be tainted by the sin of wrath. If this keeps up, the cursed Aeternos would definitely be born.

In an instant, the battered body of Esperia melted into a black gooey liquid. The liquid crawled five meters away from Rikkun and immediately reshaped itself into a beautiful lady once again, completely healed of her injuries. A Heretic like her is immortal after all, so no matter how hard Rikkun’s punches are, it would be nothing.

“You are right, Heretic.” Rikkun looked at his cybernetic arm and stared at the residue black blood. “I should stop doing this cruel thing to you.”

“So you get it now? Ready to give up?” Esperia smirked.

“Quite the contrary.” Rikkun swung his sword to the right. “I’ll finish this fight in one blow so that I can assist Jeanne and Tiara.”

“Don’t be so full of yourself!” Esperia spread out her hands and six floating white flower buds started to scatter. Each of the flower buds opened, unleashing a laser that blasted Rikkun! “My lord Necross Hades will annihilate them both before you could reach them, just like what happened on the previous timeline!!!”

When the smoke from the flower blasters faded, Rikkun revealed himself fully unscathed from Esperia’s attacks. Rikkun walked forward with his sword charged with divine prana. Esperia gave out a scared look on her face not because her enemy is completely invincible like her, but because Rikkun seems to figure out how to defeat her.

[Book 2] Gate Guardian - Song of the Frozen SoulWhere stories live. Discover now