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We have successfully transitioned to the other dimension called Yami. We found ourselves in the center of a wide grassland that reflects the light of the crimson moon. There are also floating islands all around us as if this is some kind of a jumping Mario stage.

“I’m finally here again. So this is Yami, huh?”

The blonde prince started to walk forward with his hands touching the grass. He’s definitely surprised that such a breathtaking field is the mirror counterpart of our school which is filled with tall establishments.

“Rikkun, stay with me!” I said as I spread my arm to block him from further wandering. It’s not safe for him to go on his own especially that he has not been baptized as a Gate Guardian yet.

“R-Right! Protect me, oh Tiara-sama!” Rikkun nodded as he tried to hide on my back. 

Both of us can hear fast and heavy footsteps from the eastern side of the grasslands. The grasses are tall which makes it hard to locate the enemy, and the Eidolon we’re looking for must be crawling to conceal its movements.

However, it’s nothing for us Gate Guardians. We can pinpoint the enemy’s location using our sixth sense, or seventh sense? I don’t know how many senses we have, but I can definitely find the enemy! It’s just lurking three meters away from us, preparing to attack!

“<Bahamut Burst>!!!” I pointed both of my hands to the tall grass, and a bluish energy ball materialized. The orb emitted a straight laser that burned the grasses, the ground, and the Eidolon involved!

“Graaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaach!!!” The Eidolon, who appears to be a seven-meter-long crocodile was sent to the air.

“There you are!” I leaped forward with my quick and nimble feet, trying to make a follow-up attack and make a combo! “<Fafnir Smash>!!!”

While the Eidolon was in midair, I drifted on top of it and prepared a huge amount of prana in my right hand. I made a full pinwheel spin as I charged my fist into a dragon claw and then mercilessly smashed it to the enemy’s backbone!

“Graaaagh!” It was a short cry for the enemy, for the rest of its screams are covered by the sound of exploding rocks on the ground. I have successfully created a crater as soon as the crocodile crashed.

I know that the enemy is not finished yet, so I charged my other fist with prana once again. “<Jakiro Twinfist>” I whispered to myself as I buffed my hands with dragon head-shaped aura. “Haaaaah!”

Boom! A louder earthquake shook the ground, and earth chunks flew away. Because of the powerful rocket landing, I made with my fist, the smoke-filled up the area.


The enemy is not there.

“Cough! Cough!” I coughed out loud. The dust went to my lungs and it’s really my fault. I’m doing so many powerful attacks that I’m no longer considering my wellbeing or even Rikkun’s.

“Tiara, on the west! Fifty meters!” Rikkun shouted out loud. He must be spectating the fight and saw the enemy. 

When the smoke cleared, I finally got a perfect look at the Eidolon. This time, the crocodile is now standing on two feet. The crocodile evolved into a dinosaur!

“Graaaaaaach!!!” The two-legged crocodile cried out loud. I sensed a lot of evil energy gathering around it as if this Yami dimension is his power source. It’s like vacuuming all the corrupted prana in the air.

[Book 2] Gate Guardian - Song of the Frozen SoulWhere stories live. Discover now