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As Rainbow Freya’s aura gave off radiance and hope to everything that exists in this universe, this same aura gave off a little bit of despair for our enemy Necross Hades. He had his crimson eyes wide upon seeing the ultimate form of Jeannette Amiella Fontaine von Noctis whom he had defeated over and over again.

“T-That’s amazing, Jecchan!” I hopped excitedly. “So you can transform to Freya with rainbow wings!”

“This is all thanks to you, Tiara. When you reset the timeline, this universe gave me a God Core that is also compatible with <Rainbow Form>. You’re not the only one who got a nasty power up from Guinevere and Z!” Rainbow Freya smiled.

Clap. Clap. Clap. Necross Hades applauded slowly as he made a few steps forward. He’s no longer as surprised as he was a few seconds ago.

“So, you have found a way to turn into a goddess.” Necross Hades materialized his obsidian Heavenly Blade once again and pointed it at the beautiful blonde. “You’ll be a great prisoner in the Underworld.”

“I’m sorry, I pledged myself to beat your ass the moment this time came.” Rainbow Freya spread out her two longswords that seemed to be her battle stance. 

For a brief moment, Rainbow Freya looked at me. Her twinkling purple irises are silently telling me that I shouldn’t interfere with their fight. I trust her just as I trust Necchan and Rikkun, so I’ll just give her the opportunity to fight Necross Hades one versus one. 

“Hraaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaagh!!!” Necross Hades made the first move as he blasted forward with full throttle. He made a fast swing with his obsidian sword that is buffed with shadowy flames! “<Wave of Destruction>!!!”

“<Rainbow Dash>!!!” The Goddess of Beauty immediately bolted out with lightning speed, leaving colorful streaks on her trail. In an instant, an X slash was used to parry the surging dark flames of the enemy’s Heavenly Blade!

“Oryaaah!” Necross Hades smashed his sword aiming at Rainbow Freya’s head, but in the nick of time, the goddess made a precise sidestep to evade the attack.

“Hyaaaaaah!” Rainbow Freya immediately made a counterattack by wielding her longswords at blinding speeds, enough to cut through Necross Hades’ boney armor and cloak. However, she only managed to graze the enemy’s left shoulder, right leg, and lower stomach.

“Gruh!” Necross Hades grunted due to the pain. He might be immortal and the wounds would immediately heal, but I can see that Rainbow Freya’s attacks definitely hurt him.

“I’m not finished yet!” Rainbow Freya cried. “<Triple Cross-Slash>!!!” 

The goddess surged with blinding speed, attacking with an X-formation with her swords. The first attack cleanly cut Necross Hades’ chest. However, the second and third wave of attack was blocked by the Heavenly Blade of Destruction. After doing that attack, Rainbow Freya jumped back to draw her breath.

The sound of the shattering glass echoed. Rainbow Freya’s longsword immediately broke to pieces.

“No matter how many times you attack me, it will be pointless.” Necross Hades laughed. His ruptured chest that shows his ribcage, lungs, and beating heart started to heal together with his skeletal armor. “Your weapons will always shatter once <Cataclysor> touches it.”

“I still have weapons that your blade cannot touch.” Rainbow Freya made a smug. She spread out her arms and wings to unleash a trick from her sleeve! “<Nosebleed Paradise>!!!”

[Book 2] Gate Guardian - Song of the Frozen SoulWhere stories live. Discover now