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Right after the commotion that Rikkun made, we immediately ran out of the morgue and then all the way to the garden. We don’t want to make any more trouble in the Black Cross Mansion considering that they have already a matter to attend to, so we should stay clear out of trouble! Moreover, what Rikkun just did is a crime! We should get the heck out of here!

“R-Rikkun!?” I shrieked as I gasped for air as we run. “W-Why did you do that!?”

“That old fart is pissing me off!” Rikkun shouted. “Nobody lays a hand on my girlfriend!”

“Geez…” I puffed my cheeks with a blushing face. Even though I’m glad that my lover defended me from my evil step-mom, it is still not right for him to hit her mercilessly!

“Hahaha! That’s a good punch, Alaric!” Jecchan laughed as we continue to reach the gates. “I was about to hit her myself because of her arrogance, good thing you did it first!”

“You’re still abiding with the true gender equality thing, eh?” Heushac smiled as he patted Rikkun on the back. “That’s the Ric I know!”

“Hahaha! Damn right! Take an example from me, you lowly peasants!” Rikkun finally stopped running and stood up straight, his chest puffed and his hand on his hips. He looked like a superhero and wanted to be worshipped like one. "This is the character development I want! Death to the feminazis!"

I think Rikkun is going overboard. I'm going to punch some sense on him later...

“Huff...puff…” Jecchan gasped for air as she finally stopped. Heushac and I also made a temporary break when we finally reached the finish line which is the gate of the mansion. “I guess no one’s gonna pursue us here.”

“So, this is where we part ways.” Heushac smiled as he held his scalp. “Sis Erylle needed me in the investigation, and I can’t accompany you guys outside the mansion. Don’t worry, I’ll fix the bloody beautiful mess you created back in the morgue.”

“Thanks, Heushac.” Rikkun made a fistbump to his best friend, which Heushac immediately returned. “You’re the best.”

“Hahaha! See you around, Ric!”


When we arrived at the terminal, we were lucky to have the next bus ready to depart. Jecchan, Rikkun, and I boarded on it immediately. We can’t believe that our summons is cut short because of Rikkun’s doing, but somehow, Jecchan and I feel like this is for the best. It’s not like we’re going to have any help anyway because another group has already taken the case, but we wanted to know more about the incident last night.

It’s still hours before the lunch break, and I think we can even catch up on our afternoon classes for this day. 

Halfway through our travel time on the bus, I decided to sermon on my boyfriend.

“Rikkun… I’m glad that you saved me from my step-mom’s abuse, but don’t do that again. It will make matters a lot worse. Miss Baroquefloux just got her daughters dead, and it’s understandable that she’s furious.”

“But you’ve got nothing to do with it,” Rikkun said in a cold tone. “You’re not the one responsible for your step-sister’s death. Why should that old hag punish you?”

“U-Ummmm, Rikkun… about the thing, I wanted to say earlier… The shadow… might have something to do with me.”

“What makes you say that?” Rikkun turned her full attention to me. On the far side, Jecchan is preoccupied with eating a bag of potato chips not caring about the world, but I’m sure she can hear me too.

[Book 2] Gate Guardian - Song of the Frozen SoulWhere stories live. Discover now