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“I am the Eidolon of Envy.”

The girl in a black frilly maid dress introduced herself in front as she bowed with manners. This woman, who is taking the form of my deceased subordinate Emily, is now emitting malicious aura the same as the Eidolon of Lust I killed not long ago.

“Emily…” I muttered. “No, you’re not Emily in the slightest. You’re just copying her form to intimidate me.”

“You are right about that one, but I am also the embodiment of Emily Teronette’s sins. For all her life, she envied all persons who are having a better life than her. She envied your love for Tiara Hikari. She envied her sister for awakening the Goddess Core of Hel. She has the most powerful emotion of envy amongst your friends.”

Evil Emily showed her black wolverine claws and her drill tail. She went into a battle stance that imitates a beast that is ready to kill her prey. Then, she talked once again with a smug on her face.

“You may have defeated Eidolon of Lust by surprise, but that won’t work against me!”

The dark maid bolted forward and made swift slashes, ripping the wind it touches. Her attacks are fast, but not fast enough to be parried. Together with my <Presage>, I predicted all points of impact and blocked all her claw attacks.

“Haaah!” Evil Emily’s drill tail was intended to pierce my heart, but in the nick of time, I deflected it. She managed to graze my left shoulder instead.

“<Blade Hurricane>!!!”

Jeanne spun like a top with her gunblades outstretched. A small tornado materialized and went between me and the dark maid. Evil Emily immediately jumped back to evade the oncoming gusts of wind that might have minced her to a hundred pieces.

“Alaric…” Jeanne whispered. “What the heck are you doing? You should have finished her immediately with that platinum sword with one swoop. Why aren’t you materializing it again?”

“I can’t.” I forced a smile. “That sword drains a lot of energy. I need to charge enough prana to materialize it again.”

“Are you telling me to fight again while you relax and watch?” Jeanne had this disgusted face. “How dare you boss a lady around!”

“You’re just a girl. Not a lady.” I made a smug.

“Finished teasing each other?” Evil Emily readied herself to cast an attack spell. “<Aero Twirl Volley>!!!”

Seven consecutive drill tornadoes chased us, but we didn’t have to run away. This arrogant runt had it all covered.

“<Reflect Slash>!!!” Jeanne swiped her gunblades as soon as the projectiles reached her, and the <Aero Twirls> changed direction. They are now chasing the caster of that spell!

“<Arachnia Queen>!!!”

Evil Emily spawned gigantic spider legs from her back, and she used it to leaped forward and maneuver to evade the drill tornadoes while closing in the distance.

“That’s the worst move to do!” Jeanne laughed as she pointed her gunblades to the approaching spider maid lady. “<Grenade Shot>!!!”

The revolvers launched marbles that immediately morphed into frag grenades, and it went cleanly to the evil maid’s face. Upon impact, the grenades exploded, making a short sonic boom and thin smoke covering the area of effect. Jeanne kicked the ground and dashed backward to avoid being caught by the explosion.

[Book 2] Gate Guardian - Song of the Frozen SoulWhere stories live. Discover now