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He has short golden hair with some silver strands. His eyes may be crimson red and bear the mark of the Cursed Guardian, but our gazes are identical. His white face is the perfect copy of mine. His nose, his mouth, his ears… everything looks very same. It’s as if I’m looking in front of a mirror.

I was completely astounded. My mind failed to process any thoughts. My jaws hung, and I can no longer utter an audible word.

“What? You haven’t seen a handsome man before?” Aeternos’ cybernetic voice is no more, and now his voice and tone are similar to mine.

“Y-You imposter!” I cried. Finally, I can speak again due to my anger.

I immediately materialized my crimson katana and made a swift slash, attempting to cut his carbon-copied face. But he effortlessly caught my blade with his armored hand.

Erylle and Jeanne are about to act too, but Aeternos spread out his five fingers to signal them to stop.

“No. I’m not an imposter.” Aeternos laughed. “I’m Alaric Eisenhower, the arrogant king, the second leader of the Aether Crusade, and the lover of Tiara Hikari; the Frozen Soul. I am you, and you are me. And you are… Aeternos.”

“I-Impossible!” I cried. I didn’t realize that tears are already falling down from my eyelids for some unknown reason.

I can't believe it.

I will never believe it!

Erylle is just dumbstruck, as well as Jeanne. We failed to process the information on our brains. Me, Aeternos? But I am me! I am right here! How is it possible that there are two Alaric Eisenhowers?

Jeanne raised her revolvers, pointing at the head of the armored man. “You may have copied his face, his accent, his personality, and his prana signatures, but you can never fool me. From what universe did you come from?”

“Jeanne, Jeanne.” Aeternos shook his head. “You really sound as smart and ferocious as Amy. But you’re wrong. I’m not an Outsider from this universe. My home… My home is here.”

“T-That’s…” Jeanne trembled, which forced her to lower her weapons.

“He’s right,” Erylle muttered.

“E-Erylle!” I cried. Why is he siding with this man!?

Erylle held her elbow as she painfully bowed. Then, she explained words that are hard for me to understand.

“I’m sorry, Alaric. He’s telling the truth. I hate to say it, but he is you. He is the future you. I’m sorry that I just realized it all now.”

“That’s right.” Aeternos made a relieved sigh. "At least the Outsider here is telling the truth."

I looked at Jeanne and then to Erylle. Both of them have this unsatisfied frown on their faces as if they have been slapped by a pill that they are forced to swallow.

I made one, two, three steps back. I withdrew my blade and lost my hope to fight. I even lost my will to live. I can’t believe what I just heard. My hands are shaking. My feet became cold. My brain felt a lot more painful. And my heart felt like burning.

I shook my head. This should be a dream. This should just be a painful dream!

“<God Fragment - Chronos>” Aeternos loaded his armored right hand with divine energy. A magical circle that looks like a clock materialized on his fist. 

[Book 2] Gate Guardian - Song of the Frozen SoulWhere stories live. Discover now