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After the fight against that weird Necross Eidolon, I immediately delivered Rikkun towards the weird uphill forest that exists in the Dradecim outskirts. Since both Rikkun and my memories are now back, there would be no problems if I showed him the eerie church. I also texted Jecchan that we’ll be going to the cathedral.

The night has fallen, and everything is almost dark. It took us a couple of minutes in venturing in the forest until we finally managed to get to the top of the hill where there are buildings that looked abandoned. 

Rikkun was fascinated by the dragon-and-maiden fountain that stands at the center of the wide oval. Even if there’s no water running through that statue, it is truly a sight to behold. Not even the night is good enough to hide its features.

We finally stopped when we are in front of the cathedral. Just like before, the windows provide light from the inside, which means that there are people. I slowly opened the giant door and finally, three ladies greeted us.

It was Z, Guinevere, and Jecchan. They are standing right after the door which means that they have felt our presence the moment we step our foot on the hill.

“Welcome, dear guests.” Guinevere greeted us with her innocent smile. Her charming princess-like aura still captivates me.

“So this guy is Aeternos, huh? He looks weaker than he looks.” Z pressed her face forward to look at Rikkun, but then her witch’s hat poked Rikkun’s forehead.

“Ow! Watch it, you cosplaying runt!” Rikkun scolded.

“Teehee~” Z withdrew herself as she knocked her head. “You kinda sound like my master there.”

“I never thought we were able to recover you, Alaric,” Jecchan said with a smug on her face. “So, how was this timeline?”

“Huh?” Rikkun had this surprised face and his mouth is now as round and wide as the letter O. After three seconds, he erased that facial expression and looked at his hands. “I see. So this is another timeline. I thought the Necross Ascension was just a bad dream of my <Presage>. That calamity should have happened for real then.”

Rikkun glanced at me in which I immediately apologized. I already know what he's thinking, so he's going to scold me!

“Auuu! I’m sorry, Rikkun… I know we talked about not using the <Song of Time> again, but I can’t help it…. I can’t just let you die…” I wept.

Much to my surprise, Rikkun’s punishment is just ahead pat and a kind smile to raise my spirits up. I thought we’ll play that master-and-dog punishment game again, but I guess I don’t really know much about my boyfriend’s logic.

“No, you didn’t have a choice, Tiara. You actually did the right thing.” Suddenly, Rikkun frowned. “By the way, do you feel something weird? Did Shirayuki haunt you again?”

“N-No.” I shook my head and then projected a smile. Then I pumped my fists. “I’m well and fine, Rikkun! I didn’t get cursed, so you don’t have to worry about me! Believe it!”

“That’s good, then.”

My eyes were glued on Rikkun’s kissable lips. Somehow, I felt like smacking it once again with my mouth. I know Rikkun feels the same way for me too, so he drifted closer. Our eyes met. And then...

“Heeeeeey, are you done with your lover’s reunion?” Jecchan stared at us who are about to kiss publicly. “You can save that for later, you know!”

[Book 2] Gate Guardian - Song of the Frozen SoulWhere stories live. Discover now