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“Tiara? Hey, Tiara!”

I woke up from my daydreaming as soon as my boyfriend’s hand waved in front of my face. I should have forgotten that we are having a wholesome conversation right now, behind the bars of this prison. On my hand, is a grilled cheese with bacon strips sandwich that he wholeheartedly cooked for me.

Rikkun visited me on the very first hour of the morning. He’s currently wearing his school uniform, and he said he will go to class later after his visitation in this prison. 

“Tiara, are you okay?" Rikkun asked as he stopped sipping his morning coffee and squinted his eyes. He looked at my pupils as if he’s trying to reach for his non-existent psychic powers to read my mind.

“A-Ah! I-I’m okay, Rikkun!” I shrieked as I waved my two hands. “D-Don’t mind me if I space out like that again!”

“Really?” Rikkun had this curious pout. “Are you sure there’s no problem here?”

“Mmm-mmm!” I nodded as I pumped my fists. “Mister Heushac is here, so you don’t need to worry! They’re treating me here just fine! I get enough sleep and food here! You don’t have to worry about me!”

“If you say so, then it’s okay.” Rikkun sipped the last drop of his coffee.

After a few seconds, the door to this prison opened, revealing a cold blue but empty eyes of the person with blue hair. It was Heushac, and he looks grumpy just like yesterday.

“Hey, visiting hours is over,” Heushac yelled.

“I know, I know.” Rikkun scratched his head as he stood up. “Why are you so strict about this? Can’t I have more time to enjoy with my girlfriend?”

“Rules are rules.” Heushac walked towards Rikkun with a hint of dragging him out of the prison if he decides not to cooperate. “If you can’t abide it, then you can’t visit her.”

“Okay! Okay!” Rikkun raised his hands as a form of voluntary surrender. He immediately packed his bag and put it on his back. Then he looked at me with compassionate eyes, saying “I’ll be back tomorrow morning, Tiara! Stay a good girl!” He even patted my head which made me feel orgasmic.

“Woof!” I mockingly replied. Because of this dog bark, I was able to make my boyfriend chuckle a little. 

Finally, Rikkun left, leaving only Heushac and me in this room. The atmosphere, which was once warm and full of joy, has become cold and grim the moment my love left the scene. Memory flashes about what happened last night came back to me which made me cry.

“...You didn’t tell him, didn’t you?” Heushac muttered.

I held my aching chest. “...I-I didn’t.”

“Good,” Heushac said as he turned his back and slowly reached for the door. “As long as you don’t speak about the nights, you can atone for your sins.”

Heushac stepped out, and slowly pulled the door close, leaving the poor me in this cold lonely room.


I have to keep silent. I should not tell anyone about this, on what happens to me every night. This is the retribution I have to face alone, for all the sins I have done. I have killed a lot of people. This is the least I could do to fix it.

Last night, Mianette summoned all the relatives of the Gate Guardians and Cursed Guardians I have killed. They all brought torches and rocks for my just punishment, to torture me the whole night. They threw rocks towards me that destroyed my skin, ripped my flesh, and shattered my bones. By doing these, those abandoned relatives of the people I have killed will have their sense of justice fulfilled. 

[Book 2] Gate Guardian - Song of the Frozen SoulWhere stories live. Discover now