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Living with two girls in the same condo unit is a lot harder than it sounds. Sure, I have tried living with them two years ago, but that’s different. During the first book, we lived in Heushac’s house together with her sister Helena, the homunculus Key, and sometimes Kristoff who tries to tag along and get some handsome points from Amy. It was chaotic back then, and I can’t get along that much, but there’s Heushac whom I can always talk to keep my sanity.

Now that my best friend is gone and I’m stuck with two of the girls that mainly causes the chaos, and being the only man in the house, I can safely say that this is more stressful than last time.

As the lone man, I am in charge of doing the labors. If there’s a defective faucet, or leaking pipe, or flickering lightbulb, or whatever-the-heck-problem is present, I’ll be the one to get wet and dirty to fix it. If there’s a spider in the house, I will be the knight and shining armor of the two idiots. 

Sometimes, Tiara would help me do some chores. But letting her touch any of the mess will make everything messier. She’s still as clumsy as always, if not clumsier. She once volunteered to help me kill a cockroach, and she ended up using <Shenlong Drive>. She killed the cockroach, but she ended up shattering some appliances in the background.

That Jeannette I rescued from the underworld now acts like she’s the queen of the house, and I hated it. Tiara pays no mind to it, however, and she would only get angry if I get angry at Jeanne. Talk about angry-ception.

Every school morning is a struggle. You know how long it takes for girls to prepare themselves, right?  What I’m experiencing every morning is doubled. The girls only want to use the toilet and shower rooms first before me, so they created a schedule where Jeanne would be the first one to use it, then the second would be Tiara, and last would be me.

Each girl stays in the bath for one hour, so that means I have to wait for two hours before my turn. Before I knew it, I would be late again. I shouldn’t have bothered transferring places if the whole shower-waiting time is longer than my travel time from Mirose Grande.

Good thing my girlfriend is so understandable. She would only end up using fifteen to thirty minutes of her shower time just for me to catch up. She isn’t bothered even if she forgot to dry her hair or even comb it as long as I can use the bathroom earlier. Tiara is the best girl, and certainly best waifu.

Jeanne was able to enter the Dradecim National High School. Mrs. Martha Fontaine was able to fabricate a story where Jeannette Amiella Fontaine von Noctis was mistakenly announced as dead, but she was studying abroad until last month. I don’t know how she did it, but I’m glad that her story worked.

Jeanne managed to fit in this universe quite fast. She was able to fit in Amy’s place with no problems at all. Maybe the people in her universe are not different than hers, so she can adapt quickly. She also did what Amy used to do such as being a class representative, being an official to the Feminazi Club, and even doing cosplays for the weebs. She’s as smart as the Amy we knew.

If there’s one thing that’s different from the Amy we knew and her, it would be her eyes. Her eyes are near-sighted, so she had to get eyeglasses. No wonder she’s not as good as Amy in terms of firing a gun-type Weapon Gem.

Enough about her. Let me go back to my daily routines with the girls.

Every night is a girl’s night. They would often have Netflix marathons, more specifically, romance series and movies. Every night I’m stuck with these two girls who are addicts in musicals, childish cartoons, and cheesy Korean dramas. If that’s not enough, there is a segment on the night where Jeanne will tell a story about the version of the show in her own universe. 

[Book 2] Gate Guardian - Song of the Frozen SoulWhere stories live. Discover now