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The Erylle Fontaine standing in front of me is the familiar Erylle Fontaine I know. She is the original Outsider, who helped me and Rikkun fight our destinies. The eight wings on her back that sways in the midnight breeze are the proof that she already had her <Demigoddess Mode> active.

“Erylle…” My mouth muttered those words.

Erylle made a fixated glare on me as if she was threatened and a little bit disgusted. She materialized her Heavenly Blade <Reginleiff> ready for battle.

“Tiara… I know that something is wrong with you. Ever since you absorbed the Planetary Necross Dragon, I felt a disruption in the destiny system of this universe. If only I knew that you cannot handle all the curses and evil energy at once, I should’ve not let this happen.”

My eyes squinted to make a crimson glare at the woman who’s threatening me. I made a sadistic grin, thinking of all the evil things I could do to her. All I think now is that she’s the enemy.

“Ara ara~” I gently put my fingers on my cheeks. “It seems like the Erylle Fontaine of this timeline and the Outsider Erylle Fontaine is the same. I should have known since your attacks worked on one of my shadows.”

“Yes, I blended in this timeline in this universe just to investigate what’s happening to you. Since you are now aware of your actions, my hypothesis is now correct. The God Core that contains the infinite evil has fully corrupted your soul. When I used my Guardian Ability <Heartsong> to read your heart, I learned all the truth.”

Erylle swung <Reginleiff> to her right as she made slow steps forward. She lent out her soft-looking hand to me as if she wanted me to take it.

“Now be a good girl and stay where you are. I’m going to undo the Curse of Necross and seal the God Core the Brightmore Witches have protected for so long.”

“My, my. I won’t let that happen, you trespasser!” I shouted out loud.

I am no longer in control of myself. My sense of morality and justice is now twisted. The Erylle Fontaine who had saved my life several times has now become an enemy right in front of my eyes.

I’m going crazy.

I’m going insane.

Somebody, please help me…

“<Bowser Spikes>!!!” I spread out my hand, and several crimson hell spears spawned in the ground. The spears crawled towards the direction of Erylle, but good thing she was able to evade by continuously backflipping until she gained a hundred-meter distance.

“Tiara, listen to me!” Erylle cried out loud. “Your mind is corrupted! You’re sick! Let me help you!”

“I don’t need any help!” I roared out loud. After my outburst, I returned back to my sadistic smile and laughed at the foe who is begging for me to calm down. “I am strong. Stronger than you think. Stronger than you are!”

My thirteen shadows went in front of me to defend me, their master. The shadows sprouted hundreds of tentacles to unleash their terrific monster form with six arms, four legs, and demonic wings. With such power-up, they chased the enemy demigoddess!




“<Aero Twirl>! , <Wind Grenade>!, <Drill Kick>!” Demigoddess Erylle made continuous attacks after evading and evading the tentacles. With her arrows, she pierced through the shadows. With her air bombs, she shattered the tentacles. With her quick kicks, she repelled all of their counter-attacks.

[Book 2] Gate Guardian - Song of the Frozen SoulWhere stories live. Discover now