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The wind shatters as I made a swift slash with my crimson katana. It was immediately blocked by the gargantuan flaming buster sword that the fire giant possesses. 

“Guah!” I was taken back by the rebound force. Even if I’m the one attacking and Surtr is the one defending, his sheer force made it possible to reverse the roles we are currently in, as if I’m the one defending and he’s the one attacking. 

I took several steps back so that my feet won’t break due to the immense shockwave.

“What’s the matter, Alaric Eisenhower?” The flame demon laughed. “You’re no match for me in that form. Summon the Heavenly Blade, and we shall have a better fight.”

I swiped my fingers to open a Gate, and several sword-like shards rushed to the flame demon’s position. But Surtr didn’t move an inch, not even to defend himself.

The first ice shard pierced his armor and also his right shoulder. The second ice shard went through his stomach. And the third skewered his left knee. 

“Krah!” Surtr cried. Realizing that his overconfidence made him took damage, he used his buster sword to parry all other incoming projectiles with swift hacks and slashes.

“Sadly, I don’t know how to materialize the <Heart of Light> yet. So for now, I’ll stick with some dirty tricks.” I smirked at my gigantic enemy. “How does the ice of the Frozen Soul feel?”

“How can a mere mortal like you have the power to open a Gate to the Frozen Soul!?” Surtr shouted. He started to grab the unmeltable ice that pierced his body, and slowly pulled it off. I can see his pain and effort in just pulling an ice shard from his body. 

I watched and waited until he’s completely free from those gigantic ice splinters. It really took quite some time, maybe half a minute. I just stood there, smiling, not moving an inch. I want to fight Heushac in his full force, so I didn’t use the opportunity to attack.

“How dare you mock me!!!” The flame giant is outraged when he finished un-barbecuing himself. He stabbed his gargantuan sword on the ground and a flame pillar emerged from his feet! “<Volcanic Geyser>!!!”

Lava splashed upwards, ready to meet me. I used my <Presage> to predict the landing point of every drop of that hot sauce, and then I danced as if I’m a rain-dodger. Those droplets that I couldn’t evade, I slashed. 

“<Snowflake Shuriken>!!!” When I got tired of skipping and jumping, I materialized an icy frisbee and used it as a shield to prevent me from being melted. 

After the flaming geyser, I threw the <Snowflake Shuriken> to my enemy. But Surtr just caught my projectile attack with one hand, and it immediately converted to steam. I know I’ll be dead if his hands or even armor touches me.

“I’m tired of playing with you, mortal.” Flame dust started to flicker on Surtr’s aura. “If you’re not going to attack seriously, then I will!”

Surtr charged prana around him, and the flames on his body changed color from red to green. And then, from green flames, it completely transformed into blue. His left arm materialized a gigantic skull of a bison that breathed flames from every hole on it.

Suddenly, I heard a faint yet soothing voice inside my head.

“Rikkun, the <Heart of Light> is ready!” It was Tiara’s voice, and she’s talking to me telepathically.

“Thank you, Tiara!” I smiled. I opened a Gate once more, and finally, I can feel the presence and the power of the crystalized love for all the seven million timelines. I finally drew the platinum sword with diamond blades.

[Book 2] Gate Guardian - Song of the Frozen SoulWhere stories live. Discover now