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The God of the Underworld stepped forward, creating small magma craters as the imprint of his foot. For some reason, I feel something much more dangerous from this man that I never felt back when I was in the Underworld or in the Phoenix Incident. There are black embers and lightning flickering around his body, signaling an otherworldly force he’s storing.

“Hades!” Jeanne cried as she formed an X-stance with her gunblades. She charged forward with a magnanimous speed using <Magnum Boost>, buffing herself with electricity.

A powerful metallic sound echoes all over the place, creating weak wind shockwaves. Jeanne’s blades clashed with the enemy’s right hand. Hades did not even flinch, he just took the attack with just a palm-block.

“Damn you!” Jeanne cried once again as she jumped back and dashed forward once again. Preparing for a more swift and powerful attack, she kicked the ground with full force. “<Lightning Cross>!!!”

“Get out of my way, trash.” Hades waved his hand, and four chains spawned from the ground. The chains wrapped Jeanne’s wrists and feet, rendering her immobile and pinned to the ground.

“Kyah!” Jeanne cried as she got her face slammed on the floor.

“Jeannette!” Kristoff cried. At that moment, he unleashed multiple arrows that are aimed at the God of Underworld. However, a series of white lasers intercepted and vaporized all those rushing projectiles. All those lasers came from the flower bud drones of Esperia.

“Uhuh~” Esperia smiled and waved her index finger. “You won’t be able to touch my love with that~”

“Lord Hephaestus, on me!” Helena shouted as she charged forward. On her signal, the God of Smithing followed her with giant flaming axes on his hands. 

The two weapon experts charged against the God of the Underworld Hades. 

“Hraaaagh!” Helena made the first attack as she made a swift jump-slash ready to smash the enemy into half. However, Hades blocked the blade of Helena with his fork. The sound of the clashing metal and the tearing wind made a powerful shockwave that blew the dust away.

“<Endless Forge>!!!” Hephaestus threw his flaming axes sidewards, and the axes transformed into golden portals that unleashed waves of steel swords towards the enemy.

The sound of bones tearing and flesh ripping dominated the battlefield. Since the God of Underworld is preoccupied with blocking Helena’s frontal attack, he failed to defend his left and right sides. As a result, swords are now stuck on his body as if he’s an acupuncture patient.

“Quite formidable,” Hades muttered as he jumped back and disengaged Helena. 

“We’re not finished yet!” Helena decided to pursue the enemy and stay on the aggressive. “Lord Hephaestus!”

“Roger!” Hephaestus shouted as he raised his hands and created a gigantic portal above Helena. “<Sword of Camelot>!!!”

A gigantic hilt popped from the portal in which Helena immediately grabbed. Exerting both physical and extradimensional force, she pulled it out from the dimensional rift and finally revealed a gigantic Excalibur!

“This is ought to finish you!” Helena cried as she brought down the gigantic golden sword that is about the size of a building. She charged lightning energy on the edges of the blade as she shouted her signature ultimate attack! “<Blasted Forest Overload>!!!”

“My dear!” Esperia stretched her hand and pointed towards Hades. A gigantic flower bud materialized in front of the God of Underworld which immediately blossomed and shielded that damn god from the gigantic electrifying sword!

“Haaaaaaaaaaah!!!” Helena cried as she exerted her full force. The lightning crunches became much more powerful the longer she shouts, but it is not enough to destroy the flower barrier that Esperia has created!

“Kristoff, let’s help Miss Helena!” Naomi said as she raised her staff. Then she used her weapon to swipe an arrow of light to existence.

“Let’s finish this with the power of our love, Naomi,” Kristoff said with an assured smile as he took the arrow of light and loaded it with his bow. As he pulled the bowstring, he shouted out loud their couple-combination attack! “<Missile Amore>!!!”

As the arrow of light was unleashed, it broke the wind barrier. It also broke a fragment of reality, time-space continuum, and even dimensions as it gathered large amounts of light energy through different realms. At lightspeed, it hit the flower shield that Esperia has created, which immediately shattered it.

This is the golden opportunity for Helena. With the shield gone and Hades wounded with different swords, his gargantuan lightning Excalibur attack is sure to hit!

“One last time! <Blasted Forest Overload>!!!”


My <Presage> is not working properly against Hades and Esperia, so there is no way I could read their moves or their futures. They used that thing as a disadvantage in order to commit their ultimate plan and even their battle tactics.

It was already too late when I realized it. A possibility that is ought to be an impossibility. Everything that we're doing... It was all part of the enemy’s plan.

The moment Helena is ready to smash the God of Underworld, Esperia has already teleported on Hades’ side.

A dark light shone from the white flower witch’s heart, and the God of the Underworld shoved his right hand on Esperia's chest. Hades pulled then pulled his arm and a unique hilt of a divine sword revealed itself.

I saw it in slow motion. A divine construct weapon, materializing from the heart of a woman with never-ending love, was brought into existence.

A dark obsidian blade of alien polygons was drawn out and blocked the <Sword of Camelot> easily. Not even Helena’s full-force electric swing is able to match this weapon.

The obsidian blade cut the giant Excalibur like cheese. As Hades swung his divine weapon, dark winds started to whirl around the blade and blew out Helena away.

“Grahack!” Helena rolled on the ground three or four times before laying on her back.

“What the heck is that!?” That is what most of our allies cried.

However, both Tiara and I know what it is. Both Tiara and I have these surprised faces as if we are staring at an impossibility.

“R-Rikkun is that…”

“We can’t be mistaken,” I muttered. "That's..."

Hades raised his sword and let the darkness be consumed by the sword that is the crystallization of love. Black whirlpool was created in the skies as it gathered an almost infinite amount of prana in Yami.

<Reginleiff> - The Heavenly Blade of Time.

<Frosthalia> - The Heavenly Blade of Eternity

That obsidian blade is similar to those things.

“Behold the ultimate power, the crystallization of my love with Esperia through several multiverses. Rejoice as you are worthy enough to see a world-ender weapon. Praise the <Heart of Darkness> for it has revealed its real form.”

Hades laughed out loud as he slowly lowered the obsidian blade and stabbed it on the ground. Shadow fissures started to infect the soil with evil energy as if it is a virus ready to spread around the world. 

“This is <Cataclysor>, the Heavenly Blade of Destruction.”

[Book 2] Gate Guardian - Song of the Frozen SoulWhere stories live. Discover now