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“Hraaaaagh!!!” A powerful shout echoed from the man who is supposed to be dead. He has impossibly broken the chains of freezing time to make a full-force swing with his rusty buster sword!

“Heushac, you-!!!” The Outsider exclaimed, before having his body sliced into half. Because the time is completely frozen, his black blood droplets levitated in the air.

“Burn!” Heushac, with his worn-out body, released blue flames all over his wounds, scratches, and sweat glands. He breathed flame to his buster sword and then made another deadly maul straight to the Outsider’s head.

There was a blue-flamed explosion.

The interruption caused the time to resume its flow once again.

“He-Heushac!” Rikkun’s eyes widened. He couldn’t believe what he’s seeing right now. “You’re really a hard bastard! Still alive after having your heart crushed!”

“Idiot!” Heushac shouted. “This is just a mortal wound! My <Ironwill> is enough to keep me alive and continue this fight!”

Both of them looked at the point of impact, where The Outsider is supposed to be burnt to crisps. There’s nothing there. Just burning ashes. Heushac has made a finishing blow.

But… The battle is not over yet.

Suddenly, a Dark Gate opened just in front of the Frozen Soul. Once again, The Outsider, with the power of Yog-Sothoth, has made his appearance. His form seems to be new as if he didn’t sustain any injuries in the first place.


Heushac certainly killed The Outsider in that last attack.

This is completely a different Outsider in flesh, yet still him.

“If you can return from the dead, I can too.” The Outsider said. “I am Yog-Sothoth. I can rewind time over and over even if you kill me a million times. There is no way I can be defeated. So why… why are you still resisting!? This battle is pointless!”

“No, this battle is not pointless,” Heushac said. “This is the fight to save everything from existence. And for that reason, I will not die! I will continue this fight until everybody’s salvation is guaranteed!”

Heushac breathed fire from his eyes and mouth as if he is a humanoid dragon. Flames scattered around his gigantic blade, and his skin is now torn with the raging fire.

“Come, Ric!” Heushac shouted. “You have charged long enough! Make sure that your ultimate attack will hit!”

“Right!” Rikkun said as he exerted all his remaining prana on the <Heart of Light>. “Tiara! Let’s do this!”

“With determination, we will never give up!” I made a loud warcry as I gave all my prana reserves to the platinum sword. Even after exhausting all my energy, I am still able to continue singing the <Song of Salvation> telepathically to cancel out the Frozen Soul’s wishes.

Rainbow Aurora lights formed in the sky and these colorful winds swirled around the <Heart of Light> like a tornado. With this infinite power Rikkun has in his hands, there is no way that a spell would block it. Once this attack hits, the Frozen Soul will certainly blink out of existence.

“<Void Art: Ragnarok Blast>!!!” Heushac released a blue blaster shockwave by swinging his giant sword.

“Futile!” The Outsider pointed his alien arm at the surging beam, and an invisible barrier protected him from being deleted. When the blaster faded, the Outsider dashed forward with an unbelievable speed, ready to attack with his white sword.

[Book 2] Gate Guardian - Song of the Frozen SoulWhere stories live. Discover now