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“<God Fragment: Thor, Mercury, Odin, Neptune>!!!”

Rikkun had already calculated all of the enemy plans inside his mind, His ability to see the future was activated in the entire fight, and he should have known all of Jecchan’s/Rainbow Freya’s plans to attack me ever since the barrier went off.

Two icicle spears were created on both of Rikkun's hands. Each spear has a pair of wings and was surrounded by lightning sparks and snowflake dust. With his full force, he threw the spears aiming at Rainbow Freya!

The spears matched the speed of light. In just a picosecond, both of Rainbow Freya’s colorful wings were pierced with the spears, and that caused blood to spray all over my face.


Rainbow Freya cried as she was dragged by the spears until she was pinned down on a distant wall. With the electric charge and ice aura, it paralyzed Rainbow Freya’s wings which rendered it absolutely unusable.

“Tiara!!!” Rikkun cried as he dashed forward.

“Rikkun!!!” I reached out my hand.

There are five other Gate Guardians who are rushing down to me. They all have their melee weapons such as swords, axes, and scythes ready to slash me down. Rikkun is about ten meters away but the assaulting Gate Guardians are just a meter away. I have no means to defend myself.

“Die, witch!” One of the Gate Guardians shouted.

“<Ether Switch>!!!” In an instant, Rikkun teleported and swapped places with me. He took all the melee attacks of the Gate Guardians with his Aether Armor that did not even get a scratch upon impact.

“What the hell-!!!”

“Haaaaaaaaaaaaah!!!” Rikkun made a circle slash around him, creating a powerful wind shockwave that blasted all the enemies away. All five Gate Guardians crashed on the ground in an instant. Most of them are heavily injured as they suffered ruptures and fractures all over their body.

“Rikkun, stop this! Stop hurting them!” I cried out loud.

I could no longer see my boyfriend beat up people who used to be our allies. Watching him brutally fight with our friends is enough to leave a really bad taste in my mouth, and now even the innocent Gate Guardians who have nothing to do with my sins are now getting hurt or killed.

My knight in shining armor turned his glowing crimson eyes to me and then rushed to my position. He immediately picked me up with both of his hands and hugged me tight as if he is an American football player, protecting the ball with his life.

“Rikkun, it’s enough... Don’t hurt them because of me…” I cried on my boyfriend’s chest.

Suddenly, I felt a hand patting my head.

“I’m sorry, Tiara… I’ll focus on escaping from this moment.” Rikkun said with a caring voice.

He channeled his prana on his legs to blast off away from our current position, running like a racing car.


“Don’t let them escape! Delay Aeternos as long as you can!” Sister Amanda Cryst ordered to the Gate Guardians around the perimeter. Even though her Lord Neptune form was utterly defeated earlier and sustained heavy injuries herself, she can still stand up and issue a command to her subordinates. 

The Gate Guardians formed barricades and barricades of themselves, ready to block Rikkun’s path. They all readied their melee weapons to attack!

[Book 2] Gate Guardian - Song of the Frozen SoulWhere stories live. Discover now