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When the Fake Outsider resumed the flow of time, somebody made her appearance.

A woman with divine aura landed beside Lord Freya. She has long strawberry-blonde hair twirled on her body, making a beautiful gown to cover her gargantuan breast and bulky buttocks. She’s also wearing heeled boots that have blades on its rear. She has the appearance and presence of the Goddess of Beauty I once knew; Venus.

“I got to say, these Fake Gods are disgustingly ugly.” Venus cringed.

“Don’t let your guard down, Venus.” Freya readied her revolvers which morphed to submachine guns. “They are more powerful than we thought.”

Macho Steel skipped beside me and shouted to all the Gate Guardians nearby our battle tactics. “Change in tactics! Everyone in the infiltration team, support Lord Venus and Lord Freya!”

“Right!” We Gate Guardians shouted. Then, they proceeded to mow down the herds of enemies with their swords, axes, spears, and even shields.

I can see that all the men are pumped up. It’s just natural because they will be serving two goddesses of beauty. Those two goddesses have some sort of magical charismatic ability that makes gentlemen hit hard. 


“<Crimson Hellflare>!!!”

Cthulhu and Hastur’s red eyes glowed, and lasers started to spread. The ground that got hit by the lasers exploded with flames. Freya and Venus jumped out of the way so that they can avoid being burnt by those bloody disco lights.

“<Elephant Tornado>!!!” Macho Steel spun and charged like a gigantic wind drill, aiming for Cthulhu.

Cthulhu’s hair tentacles elongated and clashed with the spinning macho man in midair. Inch by inch, his tendrils were cut down to small takoyaki pieces.

“<Dance of Death>!!!” Freya took the opportunity to waltz in close and hit Cthulhu with her arm chops, swift kicks, and gun smacks. The octopus god used his dragon arms to block those short-ranged attacks.

“<Void Art - Limbo Spiral>!!!” I stabbed my sword, and a crimson tornado drill surged towards the enemy. My relentless spell shredded Cthulhu’s limbs which opened up wounds throughout his body.

“Get back!” Freya cried as she raised her hand. Wind energy was absorbed by her fingers and then she swiped it to open a gigantic Gate above the tentacle god. “<Cobalt Nuke>!!!”

A missile came out from the magical portal and crashed towards Cthulhu. The area of impact became red for a short moment, and then a blinding flash of light exploded!

A mushroom cloud that has the size of a simple house emerged from where Cthulhu was standing. It was a mini-nuclear missile, but the octopus god only lost his right arm and half of his face. He also had his ribcage and burnt heart open. Cthulhu’s dark flesh started to wiggle, indicating that he will regenerate soon.

I must seize this opportunity to grab the Fake God Core! I jumped forward and ran towards it while my hand is coated with dark prana.

“<Void Art: God Core Assimilation>!!!”

I pressed my claws on his chest, and forcibly drew a gray Quintessence orb. Finally, I got the first Fake God Core!

“N-Nooooo!!!” The Cursed Guardian melted as soon as the Fake God Core was out of his heart. 

[Book 2] Gate Guardian - Song of the Frozen SoulWhere stories live. Discover now