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I can now remember clearly what happened on the past timeline. I can remember the <Song of Salvation> failing. I can remember Hades and Esperia attacking us. I remember Helena, Kristoff, Naomi, Francois, and even Rikkun dying. I remember a gigantic planet falling upon us that removed our universe from existence.

I remember all of it.



I can’t stress my lungs any longer. My sorrowful shout upon having the sight of my love dying once again could no longer be contained.

It all happened so fast. Rikkun managed to protect me from Necross Hades’ attack, but for the cost of transferring his <Aethernus> armor to me. However, that brought Rikkun to his demise as he is no longer protected by the armor anymore.

I saw right in front of my eyes how my love died. The Heavenly Blade <Cataclysor> was shoved to his heart, and Necross Hades commanded <Eliminate> to destroy him atom by atom. Now that he is killed and banished from existence at the same time with the power of the Heavenly Blade, Rikkun can no longer bring his own self to life.

I wept softly. I don’t know the exact figures on how many times I’ve seen Rikkun dead. All I know is that it’s more than seven million timelines. I should have gotten used to it, but I can’t. Seeing my lover die once again destroys my heart. I couldn’t believe it. I couldn’t believe that even fate still decides what happens to our love story.

“Alaric Eisenhower is a fool.” Necross Hades laughed. The hollow eyes of his dragon skull mask glowed with crimson light. “Aeternos could have defeated me if he kept his armor for eternity. But here he is, sacrificing his trump card just to save his loved one.”

“Aren’t you going to do the same thing for me, my love?” Esperia walked towards the god of the underworld and then hung her elbow on Necross Hades’ shoulder.

“Of course I will. But that will go to waste as you are immortal.” Necross Hades said.

I started to ignore the voices in front of me. I know that they are celebrating, shoving the sign of defeat right on my face just to mock me. I just bowed and prayed.

I can see the flames burning the surroundings. One hundred percent of the skies had been covered by the Underworld, and it is bound to collapse on this very planet. The air is burning, the ground is burning, everything is burning. I’m not good at math, but the approximate distance of the world from that corrupted dark planet is about a kilometer already. 

I looked at my hand, which has been coated with cybernetic knight-like equipment. <Aethernus> is an armor that freezes the soul of the owner from inside, and also protects from any threats outside. This just means that I have infinite life and prana as long as I have this armor equipped. This also makes the <God Chains> from the Corrupted God Cores useless.

“Once the Necross Planet collides on earth, everything will cease to exist.” Necross Hades said as he swiped his fingers and opened a Gate. 

“You will be the only one left here, in this infinite void of nothingness. That will be the same fate as being alone as the Frozen Soul. I hope you’ve gotten used to being alone in the end, hahaha!” Esperia mocked me once again.

I ignored them. 

Consciousness has left my body as despair has consumed my mind. There is only one thing I always do whenever I receive a bad end. There is always one thing I always sing whenever I see Rikkun die in front of my eyes. 

[Book 2] Gate Guardian - Song of the Frozen SoulWhere stories live. Discover now