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The moment I saw that multi-colored third eye, I already know that this will be a bloodier battle than before. I have to get as many people out of this as possible, or else there will be major casualties.

“Diadem, get out of here. Make sure that the other members are safe.” I whispered to my twin brother who is still in his God form.

“Are you sure you’re going to be okay?” Lord Ra asked. “I can give some assistance.”

“We’ll take care of it,” I said with a smile. “Go, Diadem. Go.”

Lord Ra nodded and then he swiped his fingers to open a Gate. But before he left, he halted for a second as he heard Jecchan’s voice.

“That goes for you, Lord Hephaestus.” Jecchan looked at the God of Forging. “Your job here is done. That surprise attack is good, but I’m afraid you’re better in the Earth Realm. Watch for any Necross Eidolons and keep everyone safe.”

“Got it.” Lord Hephaestus muttered as he rendezvous with the Egyptian Sun God. “Good luck.”

The Gate Ra made immediately flashed with a bright blinding light, which delivered them out of Yami. Now, there are only five people left in this specific battlefield. Rikkun, Jecchan, and I... versus Esperia and Benedict Hamerov a.k.a. Necross Hades.

“Hey, you should be the one to go and not Hephaestus,” Rikkun said to Jecchan. “You’re more than a dead weight here. Tiara and I will handle the rest.”

“Don’t underestimate me, Alaric. I may not be overpowered like you lovebirds but I have the smarts to do battle tactics.” Jecchan smiled. “You still remember the plan?”

“Of course.” Rikkun stepped forward. “I’ll get out of Necross Hades’ way while taking out Esperia. That’s the easiest job here.”

“Oho~” The white flower witch Esperia stepped forward with her hand on her hip as if she was acting like a beauty queen. “I’m pretty sure I heard you underestimating me.”

“Yes, you’re not that powerful enough to take me.” Rikkun clenched his fists. “To give you a handicap, I will not use <Aethernus>!”

In the background, I saw Jecchan making a deep breath. She pointed her index finger to Rikkun and charged the electric prana that immediately launched to my lover’s back!

“With the power of my <Royal Imperative>, I command you, Alaric Eisenhower, to use <Aethernus> and fight with all you got!” Jecchan cried.


Rikkun shouted due to the mind-controlling effects of Jecchan’s Guardian Ability <Royal Imperative>. If you guys forgot already, <Royal Imperative> is mind-control magic that is only usable on allies. As a result of commanding Rikkun to shout <Aethernus>, he is now covered with platinum-clad cybernetic power armor that ought to make him invincible.

“What the-!!!” Rikkun glared at Jecchan and shouted at her with a dubstep-voice. “Why did you do that!?”

“I can’t have you die here once again just because of your arrogance.” Jecchan wiped her hair on her shoulders. “It’s better if you keep using that armor.”

“Spoilsport,” Rikkun muttered. “Fine, I’ll get started immediately.”


“<God Fragment: Mercury, Thor, Ra>,” Rikkun said as he buffed his armor with white wings, lightning sparks, and flame soles. 

“Esperia, get ready…” Benedict muttered upon seeing Aeternos’ divine might. 

[Book 2] Gate Guardian - Song of the Frozen SoulWhere stories live. Discover now