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“Return back to the Phoenix Incident, you stubborn turd!” Aeternos kicked my face, pushing me towards the Time Gate with full force.

The Time Gate was created just below my feet, so it outrightly sucked my left leg in. I immediately lost my balance, but my impressive reflexes are enough for me to do one more act to prevent my utter defeat in this fight.

“You’re going with me! Hraaah!” With my right arm, I hooked my fingers on his right leg and exerted effort to pull him in.

“What the-!!!” Aeternos cried. “Get off me!”

Thud! Thud! His left foot repeatedly stomped on my face. Thanks to the Aether Armor’s helmet, my handsome looks were not affected at all. No matter how many times he stomps on me, it won’t do any damage!

“Graaaah!” I climbed up as I crawl on his leg, his shoulder, and finally, I had a grip on his armored head. I managed to get away from the Time Gate, but then this happens…

Aeternos went out-balanced and fell to the Gate, together with me. When we’re both sucked by the time portal, there was a blinding flash of light that transported us to a different time.


When the flash of light faded, we both realized that we’re no longer in the Realm of the Frozen Soul. The ground looks dry as drought, and there were tall grasses around the area. There are also weird-shaped coconuts in the background with weird football-like fruits. 

There are also weird birds flying away that are about the size of a human, and they have beaks like those of a pelican. Wait, are those pterodactyls!? Did that Time Gate transport us to the Jurassic Period!?

When I looked at the enemy, my hypothesis was already concluded. Why? Because he’s holding a gigantic lizard by its tail, and he’s going to slam that poor creature to me! He’s gonna smack me with a T-Rex!


“I’m gonna smash a motherf*cker with another motherf*cker!” Aeternos cried as he bashed down the T-Rex like an oversized buster sword.

In the nick of time, I was able to guard myself with my arm. Well, blocking the attack with my arm is useless as I’m wearing the Aether Armor right now. It’s just a reflex.

When the T-Rex was slammed to me, a huge crater was formed. The ground trembled, and the T-Rex can be heard crying due to pain. Poor him. I’ll sue Aeternos with dinosaur abuse once I neutralized him.

“Take that! And that! And that!” Aeternos laughed like a madman as he continued to slam the T-Rex over and over to me. The crater went deeper as he slams his dinosaur non-stop!

“Darn it! <Magnum Boost>!!!” I coated my whole armor with electricity and used such power to jump out of the area of effect of Aeternos’ sadistic dinosaur attack. 

I looked around the area to counter him, and finally, I found a dinosaur of my own. There was a stegosaurus that was peacefully eating tall grass in the area, so I immediately went to it and grabbed its tail.

“You can’t run away from me!” Aeternos jumped forward like a slam dunk exhibitionist, ready to smash his T-Rex to me as a final blow.

“Hiyaaaaaaaaaaahhhh!!!” I cried out loud as I also made my super move- a Stegosaurus Slash. The spikes on its back can make it a really great weapon, so I’m pretty sure that it will beat Aeternos’ T-Rex Smash.


Blood rained as our dinosaur weapons clashed. As I thought, my stegosaurus won as it completely ripped the T-Rex’s flesh to shreds. Now Aeternos has nothing but a lump of the shredded dinosaur. My stegosaurus is still intact, but now unconscious.

[Book 2] Gate Guardian - Song of the Frozen SoulWhere stories live. Discover now