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When I opened my eyes, I was in a different dimension.

The Realm of the Frozen Soul.

My head feels clear, and I’m no longer dizzy. I can still remember what happened before I got transported in here. I was in the underground prison, fighting the Eidolon of Lust. I got swallowed by that monster. And for some reason, here I am, in this world full of ice.

At the center of the frozen field is a gigantic diamond crystal containing the woman who is cursed to sing the <Song of Salvation> for all eternity.

“Tiara…” I muttered.

I took a step forward and had a good look on her face. She’s still as beautiful as ever. Her adorable cheeks are still blushing even if she’s sound asleep like a baby. Her telepathic singing soothes my mind.

“Rikkun.” The Frozen Soul finally talked to me through my mind.


“I will never let you die. Not again. So please… accept the power of the <Heart of Light>”

Suddenly, the platinum ring on my hand glowed. I noticed that Tiara’s chest is now emitting rainbow light.

The platinum ring is the symbol of our love for one another. This is the trophy and the proof that we won against the cruel fate that has been written for us. Furthermore, it is the connection that gives me infinite power by drawing the sword of crystalized love for seven million timelines.

Tiara wore the ring with a pendant, to keep it close to her heart so that I can draw the <Heart of Light> wherever I am.

That connection has never been severed even though she is now the Frozen Soul.

I opened a Gate with my hand, and a sudden surge of energy enveloped my body. I drew the hilt of the sword from the portal and raised it up high.

“Thanks, Tiara… I love you.” I muttered with a smile.

Rainbow pillar of light shattered the skies and coated the platinum sword. Slowly, the dimension shatters, bringing me back to reality.



The sound of a ripping flesh cut open has been made. Then, I focused my energy on my legs and buttocks to jump with a relentless force!


I charged outward from the torn stomach of the snake monster and finally made it to the surface. I rolled on the floor and anchored the platinum sword to the ground to stabilize my position.

“Grraaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhh!!!” The gigantic snake lady cried in pain. There was a large vertical open wound on her snake body just below her flower skirt. Now it looks like a large hooker’s v*gina. With the disgusting goo bathing my whole body, I now look like an aborted fetus.

“The baby’s out!” Jeanne cheered as soon as she saw me. “I knew you wouldn’t die that easily!”

“Alaric!” Erylle cried. Her gaze was immediately magnetized to the platinum sword I’m wielding. “I-Is that…”

“I’m sorry for that caesarian,” I smirked to the snake monster as I wiped the sticky stomach acids on the shoulder part of my coat.

“SCREW YOU, MORTAL!!! YOU’LL PAY FOR THIS!!!” The Eidolon of Lust roared, and the vines around her started to grow in an accelerated manner.

[Book 2] Gate Guardian - Song of the Frozen SoulWhere stories live. Discover now