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“Amy?” My voice was under my breath.

When the bright light faded, I had a better view of her appearance. Wearing a shrine maiden’s dress with short red skirt, white thigh-high boots, she is the woman I’m most familiar with. She transformed her twin submachine guns into fingerless gauntlets that are used to punch monsters. 

Her platinum black hair danced as she turned towards me and gave me a blushing adorable smile. Her sky-blue eyes locked unto me as she booped my snout like a puppy.

“Wrong, Rikkun~” Tiara giggled. “I am your only Tiara. You forgot that Necchan and I are originally one and the same person.”

My sense of time stopped, and the background became white for a split second. Memories from the previous timelines flashed right in front of my eyes until I finally got to see the very first timeline where Tiara and I first met.

In the first timeline, there was no Amy. It’s only Tiara, the only person whom I became acquainted with. It was only her. It was only the subsequent timelines that Amy existed to fill the role of my first love in different million fates. Destiny bounded her to be split into two to prevent our love to each other. But originally, Tiara and Amy are the same person, which is now right in front of me.

Tiara lent out her hand, offering for help. Without any second thought, I took her hand, and then she helped me stand up back to my feet. We both smiled at each other, but then I remembered that there is something crucial that Tiara might have forgotten.

“Wait, if you’re here… who is singing the <Song of Salvation>?” I asked.

“I have already finished singing, Rikkun.” Tiara made a carefree smile as she cutely bit her tongue. “We don’t need the omnipotent powers of the song of the Frozen Soul anymore~”

I looked around, and I saw the battlefield. Our allies have successfully wiped out the Eidolons in this universe, and they are now cheering for momentarily victory in this fight.

The skies are still a dark void. The enemy might be expressionless and formless, but the god of Eidolons must have to be pissed off right now. Crimson lightning started to crack the dimension, signaling the eternal wrath of the Sin Universe.


The skies opened up millions of dark Gates ones again, spawning endless hordes of Eidolons. 

This battle would be endless. We may defeat the enemies millions of times, but it will keep on spawning more. This is a complete stalemate where no one is allowed to win or lose. We can be stuck here forever.

The Sin Universe is what it is. It has no form, so it cannot be destroyed. This Eidolon is the universe itself, and the only way to do this is to destroy everything. If we’re talking about the probabilities, there is a zero percent chance that the enemy can be defeated.

I clenched my fists. I gritted my teeth. I don’t have a way to win this fight, and I can’t see any future instances of us winning. This battle is hopeless from the start.


Tiara is still smiling. Her cute blue eyes have been staring at me for a while now, not paying attention to the ultimate enemy is facing. Her facial expression has no worries as if success is already assured the moment she came here.


“Rikkun… Thank you for loving me. I finally know it now. I finally realized the meaning of our love for all seven million timelines. Your confession and marriage proposal to me made me realize a lot of things that are truly endless to describe. You said that you loved me from the start, and you know that I also loved you till the end. And now… let us face this evil fate together…”

[Book 2] Gate Guardian - Song of the Frozen SoulWhere stories live. Discover now