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I can’t believe it! Aeternos just pummeled the God of the Underworld in one slam dunk as if he’s Sakuragi! And he did that on Hades’ own domain! Just how powerful this armored guy can be?

“Come on, let’s go!” Aeternos shouted.

Slowly, the boney hands of the fallen god crawled on Aeternos’ left boot. He held it so tight so that he won’t be able to go away. Hades’ skull helmet is now full of cracks, and there is blood oozing from the gaps. This man is still alive even though he sustained a heavy fatal blow. Well, he’s a god after all.

“I won’t let you… get... away…” Hades weakly muttered.

The crawling God of the Underworld tapped his other hand on the floor, and suddenly, the ground became covered with rotten flesh. Bloody hands started to spawn from the ground that held Jeanne’s, Aeternos’, and my feet, preventing us from taking any step.

“Wh-What the-!!!” Jeanne cried like a bitch. “What the heck are these!”

Aeternos charged prana on his right hand and materialized an ice sword. He stabbed the very sword towards Hades’ hand that has been holding his foot.

“Argh!” The God of the Underworld cried.

“<Merlin’s Garden>” Aeternos shouted.

The fleshy ground was immediately reconverted into grasslands full of flowers. The hands that have been pulling us disintegrated to dust immediately.

I was awed that this blurry man knows a lot of spells that I know how to use. He knows how to cast <Moonlight Slash> and <Snowflake Shuriken>, as displayed during the Christmas Raid. Now, he showed that he can use <Fafnir Smash> and <Merlin’s Garden> too. Talk about copyright violations.

“Let’s go.” Aeternos’ cybernetic voice echoed from behind me. I never noticed that he already made his way to my back when I was busy thinking. And this armory guy is already carrying the runt Jeanne on his armpits.

“Wh-Whoah!” I was surprised when this guy grabbed me on the collar.

“Erylle, try to catch up with me!” Aeternos ordered.

“R-Right!” Erylle unleashed her <Demigoddess Mode> and spawned eight wings from her back. She must be surprised that this mere prisoner is now ordering us around.

“<God Fragment - Mercury, Vishnu, Ra>”

Aeternos charged prana on his armored legs, curled his knees, and made a powerful jump upwards, straight to the ceiling. His soles unleashed rocket flames. A bubble shield covered us whole. Wings also spawned from Aeternos’ steel liger helmet.

Using Ra’s flames as boosters and using Mercury’s speed, our launch was so fast that we crashed the ceiling!

Bam! The ceiling shattered. The <Perfect Protection> of the God Fragment of Vishnu’s powers shielded us from the debris that exploded above our head.

Using the excessive divine force of his jump, Aeternos dug upwards until he made a tunnel to the surface. We flew with long airtime outwards the Underworld Prison as I and Jeanne cherished the wonderful view from above.

The Prison Tower that has thousands of stories had their windows lit with crimson light. I just realized that the whole Underworld Prison is a small island at the center of a volcanic crater. 

We continue to fly upwards. The Prison Tower slowly became smaller as we flew away from it. From this distance, I can see hell entirely.

The Underworld is a world with only one island, and the other parts are just pure lava. There are wicked souls floating around those melting fluids, like ants drowning in a basin full of water. I can’t believe that there are trillions of people who are trapped in this wicked place.

[Book 2] Gate Guardian - Song of the Frozen SoulWhere stories live. Discover now