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The dark planet peeks in the stratosphere as the air five thousand kilometers above has turned into an ocean of flames. The friction of the falling underworld planet started to vibrate the surroundings, making a deafening roar that is similar to a long beat of a siren.

“I… It can’t be…”  Jecchan looked at the skies with hopelessness. “We’ve done everything… We defeated Necross Hades… But why…”

“You idiots played on my palms once again,” Benedict said with a weak smirk on his face. As half of his body is crushed, his remaining lung wouldn’t permit him to do his evil laugh. “No matter what you do, Lord Necross will consume everything!”

Tears fell down from Jecchan’s eyes. She couldn't take it anymore. How many times should he see the horrific sight of that underworld planet? The emotional trauma she’s been through is enough to break her will.

“Jecchan, it’s not over yet!” I clenched my fists. I smiled with a determined gaze, trying to cheer up my best friend.  “We still have something we can do!”

“B-But Tiara, that’s…” Jecchan held her pained chest. “...That’s impossible to destroy.”

“We won’t know until we try!” I cried back. “With determination, we refuse to give up!”

I held my heart and closed my eyes. Focusing on gathering the energy around, I focused my prana on my chest as I made a deep breath. 

As I opened my eyes, I saw my ultimate transformation once again. With my <Demigoddess Mode> active, my ten wings changed into different rainbow colors. A colorful lotus ornament was magically created at the back of my head, and my hands are now covered with pure white bridal gauntlets. My goddess robe’s flames became bright gold, and the floating scarf started to glow colorful lights.

A divine magical circle appeared on the ground where I’m standing which contains the sigil of a multi-colored lotus. Rainbow dust danced around my body as I felt limitless energy flowing inside my body.

The raging Necross Planet continues to surge. The range is about three thousand kilometers. It’s terribly close and I can feel the atmospheric pressure and the change of humidity in this dimension. 

“Oh divine force of the planet, hear my call.”

I spread out my arms and slowly raised it upward while singing from the depths of my heart. A gigantic magical circle with the sigil of the lotus appeared right on top of me, which is also aimed at the colliding planet.

“I sing from the depths of my soul to aid me in protecting the earth.”

A second and third magical circle spawned, creating a layer of floating hologram amygdalas. Each of it aligned itself like a crosshair that targets the Necross Planet.

“<Divine Elucidation>!!!” 

The moment I shouted out the spell, a gigantic rainbow-filled blaster emerged from the first magical circle. The second and third divine circle magnified and amplified the effects of the divine blast, resulting in a pillar of light that pierced the falling planet’s core!

Everything rumbled but it ended in an instant. The Necross Planet was pierced by the colorful beam of light. However, the Necross planet immediately regenerated.

“Gah” I cried as I exhaled the air from my lungs. I already gave tremendous energy to that attack. I’m pretty sure it can destroy a planet, but Necross keeps on regenerating!

[Book 2] Gate Guardian - Song of the Frozen SoulWhere stories live. Discover now