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It’s now Saturday, and this is the time when we will hold the interview. We will be doing this to expand our ‘family’, I mean the Aether Crusade since most of our members are dead. It would be great if we recruit more capable Gate Guardians to our investigation team. The Black Cross granted us permission to conduct the interviews in Heightsburg’s Kozukata Shrine and we had ads all over the place. I hope our recruitment will go smoothly as planned.

I assembled a panel based on the remaining members of the Aether Crusade. Of course, the one who will be facilitating this interview is me, the high, mighty, and handsome leader of the Aether Crusade. I want to see the applicants in person. 

The second person in the panel is Helena. Helena is a god-tier (literally) Gate Guardian of this generation, being able to be one of the eldest members of the Aether Crusade and one of the few whack jobs who can activate multiple God Core at once. She has more experience than me, so I need her help in choosing good members.

The third and the last person in the panel is Jeanne. She’s the leader of Aether Crusade in her universe, and she certainly has lots of leadership experiences far surpassing mine. I need her suggestions and opinions in order to pick the best Gate Guardians to join our investigation team.

Tiara is still my secretary, so she’s there to assist. She is working hard to assist the applicants. She even prepared coffee for us three panels. 

“Rikkun, Miss Helena, Jecchan, Goodluck!” Tiara pumped her fists. “I’m sure we’ll find powerful and smart Gate Guardians in this interview! I will do my best to help you!”

“Thank you, Tiara.” All three of us said.

Tiara’s positivity gave a smile to our faces. I hope we can stay positive like her until the end of the interview.

Alas, I had a <Presage> last night. This is destined to be chaotic.


The first interview. A man with a bulky body sat on the seat in front of the panel and introduced himself. Blablabla, I’ll just skip on the details. I just need the information on what he can do or what his Guardian Ability is.

“So what’s your ability?” I asked as I crossed my arms.

“I can attract bullets.” The macho man said.

“Oooh, bullet attraction!” Helena gently hammered her palm. “Your ability will make you a powerful tank!”

“That’s right!” Jeanne was overjoyed. “Does your ability can work on other projectiles too? Can you attract fireballs, arrows, and death rays?”

“Uh…” The applicant scratched his head. “You may be having the wrong idea about my Guardian Ability.”

“Wrong what?” Jeanne tilted her face.

“It’s better if I demonstrate.” The applicant said.

Suddenly, Jeanne pointed her revolver at the applicant. The applicant immediately raised his hand with a freaked-out voice, saying “Whoa! Whoa! Don’t point it at me! Just give me a bullet. A bullet without a gun, please.”

Jeanne removed a bullet from her revolver and put it on the table. We three are still confused about this guy’s ability until he finally demonstrated what kind of bullet-attraction powers he has.

“<Bullet Attraction>!!!” The applicant shouted.

Suddenly, the bullet popped a pair of eyes and a mouth. It suddenly started to talk. A real live talking bullet. 

[Book 2] Gate Guardian - Song of the Frozen SoulWhere stories live. Discover now