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After that scene from that eat-all-fried-food-you-can restaurant, I fled to my condo. I sulked at the corner of the living room, covering my face and hugging my knees. I’m embarrassed that I did that to my very own father in front of so many people.

But I keep justifying to myself that he deserves that punch.

“That idiot… He remembers that mother is a witch, but he didn’t even carve on his memories her name. He didn’t even bother to save mother from the burning stake. I was fatherless for more than ten years, never knowing that he's just nearby, avoiding me. And he calls himself my father…”

Tears continued to flow from my eyes due to overwhelming emotions. I don’t even know what to feel. Am I sad? Angry? Annoyed? Happy? I don’t know!

Suddenly, I heard faint beeping sounds that came from a handheld gaming console. I just noticed that Key is in the same living room. She’s sitting on the sofa while busily playing her game the whole time. I didn’t even notice her when I entered the room because I’m focused on my own emotional dilemma.

Our adorable homunculus paused her game and glanced at me.

“Tiara… What’s wrong? Did you do something embarrassing again?” Key asked in a monotone. “You always sulk like that whenever you made an awkward scene.”

“Y-Yes, Key-chan. I made an awkward scene.” I bowed. “I finally met him... I finally met my father. But he’s acting like he’s not one. And he’s really making me mad.”

“You should be grateful, right?” Key-chan adorably tilted her head. But she projected a frown. “You should be thankful that you have finally seen your biological father. With your twin brother back to normal, you can finally reunite your family.”

“K-Key-chan…” I held my aching chest.

“Homunculus persons like me don’t have biological parents. All I know that I was created by Doctor Goldcliffe, a Cursed Guardian that died years ago during the Phoenix Incident. I never had the chance to meet my creator, so I don’t have much of an idea to my origin. But you… You now have your father. You said that one of your wishes is to reunite your family, right? And it has been granted. That is the final step you can take to have your dream come to reality.”

Key-chan is so smart even without the aid of her Goddess Core. All I thought is that she’s just a logical robot that makes an idiot to every people around her. Now she can raise morale with words that you can never argue.

But still… I can’t overlook my father for just forgetting my mother’s name.

Ding Dong!

Ding Dong!

The doorbell rings.

When I opened the front door, I saw the man I love for millions of timelines. My prince charming’s smile made him a lot more welcome to my home.

Moreover, he seems to be carrying those unfinished chicken wings and popsicles on take-out. He even bought three frappes for all of us.

“Here. This might cool your head a bit.” Rikkun smiled.

His smile is enough for me to cool down.

We had a happy dinner together with Key-chan. It’s happy because nobody brought the “Father Issue Topic” on the dining table. We just had a friendly and nice chat with the three of us.

I quickly forgot about my father’s absurdity last afternoon. I slept with peace in mind.


[Book 2] Gate Guardian - Song of the Frozen SoulWhere stories live. Discover now