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It really took me the whole night before I got all of it. Seriously, I never got a blink of sleep because of the sudden revelation last night. That’s too much information for my brain to handle, and luckily I managed to get it through the morning without having my brain explode.

First thing is first. Back during the past timeline, I used the <Song of Time> to rewind everything, altering some variables in the process. Somehow, everything seemed okay nonetheless as I have quite saved the universe from being destroyed. However, Hades and Esperia still exist so everyone’s safety is not guaranteed.

Our main objective right now is to stop Hades and Esperia from commencing their plans. However, there is this problem that we don’t know their whereabouts yet. Even Esperia, who is supposed to be a part of the Black Cross Legion, is absent in this timeline. We’re back to zero leads on who they are.

Jecchan gave me a special mission, which is actually a continuation or extended quest about what I already had. My mission is to resume guarding Rikkun and somehow make way to recover his memories during the past timeline. I have to do it myself because Guinevere said that she cannot just shove her sword right to Rikkun’s ass. Guinevere said that she’s afraid that she might get banished for interfering so much, so it all comes down to me.


“With determination, I will never give up!” I pumped my fists.

“Hey, are you listening?” Rikkun asked me with a cold glare. 

Apparently, I have been lost in thought for the past thirty minutes that I forgot that my objective is right in front of my eyes. Rikkun is in charge of showing me around the school since I’m a neophyte student. Good thing Macho Steel... err Mister Kent managed to convince him to show me around.  

“Ah! I-I’m so sorry, Mister Alaric!” I cried. “W-Where were we again?”

Rikkun made a disappointed sigh as he repeated his explanation about the classroom.

“This is a classroom. It is a room that is used for the class.”


I nodded as if I’m a country bumpkin, pretending to be a complete idiot. I already know what a classroom is, so don’t underestimate me! I’m just doing this to play along!

Rikkun continued to walk and I followed him. He finally stopped to introduce another room.

“This is the laboratory room. This is a room where you do your laboratory stuff.”

“Uhuh.” I nodded.

Then we moved to the next.

“This is the music room. This is a room where you do music.”


Next room.

“This is the home economics room. This is a room where you do home economics.


Next room.

This is the student council room. This is the room for the student council.


Next room.

“This is the toilet room. This is a room that has toilets.”

I nodded with a forced smile on my face. Right now, I wanted to punch my future boyfriend in the nose for treating me like an idiot. Well, I know I’m one, but he did not have to treat me this way! He’s not even enthusiastic enough to make a good explanation about the rooms!

[Book 2] Gate Guardian - Song of the Frozen SoulWhere stories live. Discover now