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“There’s already a crack in it, huh…”

I whispered to myself as soon as I woke up on my bed. I stared at the sealing wristbands that Jecchan put to me. It’s just been two days, and it already had a crack. I was almost sure that Jecchan gave me this sealing equipment of superior quality than those of the broken handcuffs, that is why I’m wondering why there’s already a dent in it.

Our early morning started the same. Rikkun prepared for breakfast for us to enjoy. Our meal is fried bacon and eggs, and Rikkun is bragging about the supplies that he has stocked up. He said that we can last up to a month with the food we stored, and he even ordered a large fridge when he had the chance to venture into one of the cities. That’s so brave of him since we’re being wanted by the Gate Guardians and even the police.

We also had some of our belongings delivered here. His best friend John Casterdyne took care of it and made a very good job of sending us more clothes and even gadgets. Rikkun even bought solar panels from an online store so that our appliances would work. Now he can do online games like ever before.

However, everything is not yet perfect in this place. We almost forgot to buy some school supplies for the classrooms. Heffy the nursery teacher has been renting our place as her teaching center, so we have to provide those things.

And so, Rikkun and I made a small adventure towards the nearest civilized town here in Brightmore, which is Linder City. There is a small mall in that city that provides some of the needs of the Brightmore folk even though it’s about an hour of walk away. 

Visiting the mall there made me a little bit nostalgic. I remember having a concert with the Idol Club here two years ago. I miss my Idol Club. I miss Miss Awane and our insane members. Oh, I wish I could turn back time and be with them again.

“Tiara, are you okay?” Rikkun asked. “Why are you crying?”

“E-Eh!?” I was briefly astounded. I wiped my eyes and I never realized that I’ve been unleashing tears the entire time. Rikkun made a passionate gaze at me. “N-Nothing. I-I just remembered our mall tour here.”

“Oh yeah, I remember that. I was dragged along with your club’s crazy mall tour because I won a date with you. I cheated though.”

“Ahahaha… Fun times.” I forced a laugh. Then I returned to my gloomy self. Rikkun realized my sorrow, so he immediately comforted me with a head pat.

“Don’t worry, Tiara. Everything will go back to normal.” Rikkun said with a charming smile. “Remember the time when we watched the fireworks beside the riverbank of this city? Let’s watch it again in New Years'.”

“Y-Yeah!” I pumped my fists joyfully. “That’s a promise!”


Mall shopping went well. We managed to buy some supplies such as crayons, chalks, papers, and other children’s books. Rikkun even bought the whole Game of Thrones series when he found it on a bookshelf, saying that the TV series version’s ending is not good.

We ate some meals in the city, and I sure chomped down a lot of barbecue-flavored burgers, cheesy quiches, tasty taiyakis, and even overloaded crab ramen. We both filled ourselves upon this date so that we can have a lot of energy while walking home.

It was already afternoon when we finished our fun date. The sunlight is coloring everything in the grassy plains orange. The gentle breeze of the air embraced our faces. My long black hair is swaying in a crazy manner, so I tucked it with my right hand.

[Book 2] Gate Guardian - Song of the Frozen SoulWhere stories live. Discover now