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It took three days until Saturday came, wherein we scheduled a conference to the new Aether Crusade. Just like the previous timelines, we had a room from the Kozukata Shrine as our meeting place. Everybody is present and the investigation team couldn’t be any more complete except for our poor adorable homunculus Key and the putrid swordsman Heushac. I wish I could do something to bring them back.

Everyone in the Aether Crusade is pretty much the same. Kristoff is still that playboy father, and Naomi is there to suppress her husband. Helena is also here on her kendo uniform, and she seemed to be equipped with a metallic right-handed gauntlet. Drex is the same spiky punk star as before with an electric guitar. Benedict is still that long black-haired emo guy who is seated in the corner. Emily is still that thirsty maid who wants to grab Rikkun’s attention. Eliseo is the same feminine guy who would immediately be mistaken as a beauty queen. And Diadem… My lovely twin brother is also here, alive and energetic.

In fact, my twin brother is too energetic that he’s already picking a fight with my boyfriend. He is seated between me and Rikkun, which makes it impossible for us lovers to secretly flirt with each other.

“Hey, I still don’t approve of you as my sister’s boyfriend, you bastard!” Diadem growled like a thug, pushing his face to Rikkun. “I’ve heard stories about Alaric the Arrogant, the Breaker of girl’s hearts, and the King of Rejections, and the first of your name! There’s no way you’re going to be my brother-in-law!”

“Ohoho, you’re picking a fight with me, eh?” Rikkun made a smug. “What if we have a bet? Let’s have a duel, with your sister’s heart at play.”

“Fine! Let’s do this outside then!” Diadem shouted as he rolled his sleeves and stood up. “I’ll demonstrate to you the true power of the Egyptian God of the Sun, Ra-Gwahack!!!”

“You’re going to regret challenging Aeterno-Gyahack!!!” Rikkun cried.

The reason why there’s “Gwahack!” and “Gyahack!” on their sentences is because I just punched their noses. I’m irritated that these men are fighting for me as if I’m an object.

“Settle down a bit, will you two! The meeting is already starting!” I cried to the most important persons in my life. “Geez!”

“Y-Yes ma’am….” Diadem and Rikkun affirmed with a bow.

“Ahahaha! I see that this group is livelier than I expected. I’m sure I’ll be entertained in working with such a lively group.” Helena said like a carefree big sister.

“Yeah, this rocks!” Drex strummed his electric guitar.

“How troublesome. What a drag...” The emo Benedict muttered as he succumbed in his own depressing world.

“Oh, don’t you think that the blonde guy and that black-haired guy on the front looks handsome?” Eliseo whispered to the maid Emily. “I think I’m attracted to that Diadem guy… He looks a little bit feminine with his long black hair but he has enough muscles to carry me to bed~”

At that moment, Diadem’s skin hairs stood up as chills went on his veins. He must have heard the whispers on the backseat and now he’s scared to turn to his back.

“I think I have a huge crush on that tall blonde guy. He is dubbed Alaric the Arrogant Bastard who takes pleasure in breaking the hearts of the girls.” Emily held her blushing adorable face. “Ah! I want that prince to verbally abuse me~”

It was Rikkun’s turn to get shivers on his spine. He’s shaking as if he just saw a chaotic Goddess of Death who would be masochistic enough to be mentally rejected over and over again.

[Book 2] Gate Guardian - Song of the Frozen SoulWhere stories live. Discover now