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The bell rang from the tenth floor of the school, signaling the start of the classes. 

This will be my first time entering a public school, which is Dradecim National High School. So it is only necessary that I have to introduce myself to everyone who will be my classmates for the school year.

I stood up in front of the classroom, just beside my teacher Mister Kent. As I nervously held my hands together and bowed to evade the eyes of my classmates who were staring at me, I felt that my heart was throbbing. I can’t count how many times my heart skipped a beat for doing absolutely nothing. I’m just a sissy in front of so many people, and my stage fright is kicking me. I have lived the majority of my life in the shrine so I never expected this to happen.

“Uh, today we will have our new classmate. She transferred from an alternative learning center from Heightsburg City but from this day forward, she will be a student of this school.”

Mister Kent looked at me, and I glanced back. When our teacher nodded, I immediately knew that it was a sign that I should start introducing myself.

Wait, what should I do in this situation? What should I introduce first? My name? My blood type? My favorite type of burger? How many pounds of fried chicken can I eat in one minute? Auuuu! I don’t know what to say!

My mouth, reluctant to release the voice from my lungs, gives out a weird noise. I don’t know what to do! Asumi-nee, please help me!

Suddenly, my nervousness blinked out of existence the moment the door to the classroom opened like bang!

At the door is a tall man with messy blonde hair, tired emerald eyes, and a mouth that is swallowing for air. Judging from the sweat on his face and neck, he seemed to have a five-hundred-meter sprint from downtown all the way to this room.

“Mister Eisenhower! You're too early for the second period!" Mister Kent yelled at him as soon as he opened the classroom door. The blonde man’s only response was to force a smile and scratch the back of his head in embarrassment. He tried apologizing but it didn't help either. Instead, our teacher yelled at him again. "Stop yanking and get your butt over your seat!"  

Fully exhausted in the morning, my tall blonde classmate sat on his seat and slammed his face on the desk. He’s desperately gasping for air as if he needed a nebulizer.

My eyes sparkled the moment I saw that man. I can’t be mistaken! It’s him! He’s the one I’m looking for!

I was immediately interrupted by our homeroom teacher as he reintroduced me. He cleared his throat and repeated his announcement. “A-Ahem! You have a new classmate. Please, continue.”

Once again, the attention of all the students shifted back to me. My nervousness made a comeback, and all I can do is to shyly utter these words: “Please don’t stare at me too much, I’m a shy person..”

I heard some murmurs. It was soft, so I did not pay any attention to it. I need to introduce myself so that this stage fright thing would be over! With determination, I will never give up!


I was interrupted again when I heard a speeding bullet tearing down the wind barrier. I was startled, so I looked back at the teacher. That was where I realized that the sound I just heard was not a bullet, but flying chalk that our macho teacher just released.

“Silence, Mister Casterdyne!” When the teacher saw my scared, round, and wide puppy eyes, our teacher immediately shifted to a gentleman’s expression. “Will you please~”

[Book 2] Gate Guardian - Song of the Frozen SoulWhere stories live. Discover now