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I still harbor hard feelings against this man. He already killed lots of people. He also used Diadem as his subordinate, as well as the other New Order Generals. He chopped my arm off. He killed Tiara once. And he is the reason why I lost Amy.

“Aren’t you a little sentimental here?” Aeternos’ face is blurred, but it’s clear as day that he’s smiling at me right now.

“Give me the Fragment of the Frozen Soul and the Curse of the Brightmore Witch. Now.” I lent out my hand right in front of his face.

“Heh.” The blurry man chuckled. “I knew that this time would come. But sadly, I cannot give it to you.”

“Then I’ll just gut your lungs open and grab it from you.” 

“That’s not how it works.” Aeternos laughed. “The Fragment and the Curse are attached to my soul forever. There is no way I can segregate and give those to you. If you want to take those back, then take me with you.”

“You must be dreaming that we’ll free you from this Underworld Prison. That’s a no-deal.” I said.

“Then feel free to cry along with your ice cream lover, Alaric Eisenhower,” Aeternos uttered a single laugh.

I looked at Erylle, and she looked at me back in a clueless facial expression. I have to consult her on this because I don’t know what to do at this point. If we drag Aeternos out of this prison, it might lead to his escape.

“It’s up to you now,” Erylle muttered with a smile on her face.

That forced me to think and reassess the situation. My main reason to come in this hellhole is to retrieve the Fragment and the Curse. If Aeternos can’t separate himself from those things that he had stolen, then I have to drag him forcefully.

I made a deep sigh and then unleashed my answer.


The blurry man smiled. After a second, he gulped as he swallowed his saliva with his dry throat. Then, he looked at the God of the Underworld with a vicious stare.

“But I don’t think that boney guy here will agree to your plan.” Aeternos continued.

“Visitation is over,” Hades said as he tapped the edge of his large fork on the cemented floor. “I won’t permit anyone to escape from my prison. I will also have to take Jeannette back.”

“Hades!” I shouted. “Jeannette does not belong here! She’s a living being!” 

“Then I guess you three will be staying here too. In my prison.” The skull face smiled as he raised his arms. Clouds started to surround his body, giving him a limitless source of magical energy.

“Erylle!” I shouted.

“<Goddess Core: Artemis Ascension>!!!”

As the white valkyrie transforms into the Goddess of Hunting, I made the first attack that is meant to be a distraction.

“<Moonlight Waltz>!!!’ 

Fifty-seven silver slashes, and yet, no scratches. The God Hades tapped his staff on the ground, creating an invisible barrier that completely blocked all my blinding assault.

“<Cross-Crunch>!!!’ Jeanne made her turn as she charged forward, with her gunblades positioned into an X. But that attack was ineffective because Hades shielded himself with his fork.

“<Moonlight Pierce Barrage>!!!” Goddess Artemis unleashed seventy-two silver arrows in just a matter of two seconds!

Surprisingly, Artemis' arrows all went through Hades’ special barrier, and some of those projectiles punctured the enemy’s shoulder, legs, thigh, and even kidneys. Seeing that blocking the attack is useless, the God of the Underworld made extreme effort to dodge the attacks. And the end result was countless cuts on his body.

[Book 2] Gate Guardian - Song of the Frozen SoulWhere stories live. Discover now