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Seeing my father in his near-death situation made me unleash tears in my eyes. I never thought that my father would be beaten up so easily in just one counter-attack.


That Outsider is truly terrifying. There is no way we remaining Gate Guardians of the universe can defeat such enemy. He can stop time at will with his <Timelock> ability. If this continues, we’ll fall down one by one without putting up a fight.

“Daaaaad!!!” I hollered out loud.

A thick all-powerful shockwave exploded, with me as the epicenter. As the shockwave hits my allies, they are immediately converted to their divine forms. Rikkun is now Freyr, Eliseo is now Venus, Emily is now Hel, Key is now Athena, Asumi is now Haliya, Diadem is now Ra, Heushac is now Surtr, and Helena is now activating the remaining six God Cores on her body.

“This is…” Rikkun/Freyr said as he checked on his golden gauntlets filled with prana. Everybody else was awed when they saw themselves transform in their strongest existence.

Due to the outburst of my willpower, I managed to delegate the power of the Twelve God Cores to my friends. The God Cores are still in my heart, but I can share their power due to the bond and connection I have with them.

The Outsider finally gritted his teeth for the very first time, as if he’s scared of my power. His crimson eyes glared at my very soul, silently telling me that he will kill me next.

“Tiara Hikari... I never thought you can do that. You’re more powerful than I thought. You’re the biggest threat to the Frozen Soul.”

The Outsider raised his shield, ready to smash my unconscious father’s face for the killing blow, but-

“<Mercury God Core Release: Wings of Light>”!!!

Helena spawned blue hologram wings on her back as he charged with a speed faster than teleportation. She immediately grabbed my unconscious father’s body, and then dashed back, away from the Outsider.

“Damn, you’re too fast.” The Outsider laughed as he just watched Helena rescue my father.

Helena gently dropped my father near me, and Venus started to use <Healing Thread> to repair my father’s body. <Healing Thread> is a spell where Venus will wrap the injured person with his Rapunzel hair which is enhanced with healing energy.  

“<Merlin’s Garden>!!!” Freyr stabbed his sword to the ground, and colorful tulips and lilies sprouted on our feet. The flowers unleashed balls of light that enhanced Venus’ healing speed.

“Alaric.” Helena grabbed Freyr’s attention. Her eyes are filled with determination and the urge to give revenge and justice. “Please let me do the honor to defeat that guy. He has done a lot of sinful things to us, especially Lironeo. He made us into his pawn in his game of chess. I want him to pay for making fun of us.”

“Do it, Helena.” Freyr smiled.

“I’ll help too.” Heushac in the form of Surtr stepped forward as he swung his giant sword left and right. “I will never forgive the man responsible for inflicting the curse to big bro Lironeo and big sis Helena.”

“Baby brother…” Helena was about to cry, but she has this smile on her face instead. She raised her sword and made a gentle strike to his sibling’s blade as if they just made a wine toast while silently saying cheers. “Then let’s fight together!”

[Book 2] Gate Guardian - Song of the Frozen SoulWhere stories live. Discover now