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My mind froze and went blank. The moment I heard Hades’ words made me fear for my life. However, I know that my life is not in vain since I am invincible. But somehow, something from her last sentence was off.

“Necross Ascension Ritual is complete.” Hades scoffed. 

“And what does it mean?” I asked. “No matter how many power-ups you have, no matter how many times you raise your divinity, you can never put a scratch on me.”

“No, you don’t understand.” Hades shook his dragon-skull head. His rainbow third-eye glowed as we spoke. “This whole plan is not about Tiara or the <Song of Salvation>. This ambush is all about you, Alaric Eisenhower, who has lived and died for seven million timelines.”

“What are you getting at?” I asked.

Hades stood up straight and his hand that is wielding the <Cataclysor> went down as if he’s no longer in battle mode. But he kept the Heavenly Blade materialized anyway.

“Your deaths are more than enough to summon the Necross in this plane of the universe. Six million, six hundred sixty-six thousand, six hundred sixty-six deaths are all the ultimate Underworld requires to destroy this universe.”

I really don’t get what this guy is talking about. I kept silent until Hades spread out his hand and looked from above.

“See it for yourself.”

When I looked upward, sweat ran through my forehead. It is the most unexplainable thing that I have experienced.

The outer skies of Yami have been shattered completely. The crimson skies are now just fragments of broken glass, endlessly floating in an infinite void of darkness. Even the crimson moon of this dimension has ceased to exist, as it was replaced by a more sinister dark planet that is about to collapse in this world.

The dark planet above has this endless malefic and evil energy on it. I can hear thousands, no, millions of voices of the dead that sing phrases of curse towards the world of the living. The dark planet has these lava rivers rooting all around its surface, and I can see living corpses desperately reaching for our world. The planet covers three-fourths of the dark skies and is getting closer every second.

It is as if a planetary collision is bound to happen.

The otherworldly aura, in which I could only sense so vaguely, is what makes this thing terrifying. I don’t think that the physical or quintessential laws will apply to that planet.

“The world will be destroyed, and everything around it. There is nothing you can do now, Alaric Eisenhower. This is the fate of this universe.”

“I can still make you stop it!” I shouted out loud as I dashed forward. Using my sword that is buffed with the divinity of multiple gods, I swung it with speeds faster than light. “<Moonflare Waltz>!!!”

In just a split second, everything became dark, and ninety-nine flaming silver streaks danced. When the darkness faded, the powered-up Hades had his body full of burning cuts. He had no way of evading my fastest attack.

However, the flames on his wounds extinguished, and all his cut flesh reconnected its body part completely.

“It’s no use, as we are of the same standing now.” Hades laughed. “I’m now an absolute immortal, just like you using the Aether Armor. No matter how many times you attack me, I regenerate instantly. I have now the power of the Underworld right on my palms. I am now… Necross Hades!”

I have no intention of giving up here!

“Haaah!” I used my blinding-flash sword strikes as my normal attacks. Each and every swing is as fast as a <Moonlight Slash>. I cut his neck, stabbed his heart, smashed his lungs, and skewered his spine. However, all the injuries he sustained would end up healing immediately. 

[Book 2] Gate Guardian - Song of the Frozen SoulWhere stories live. Discover now