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At exactly 3:00 AM, the shadow appeared out of nowhere. It materialized from the smoke that came from the skies, and now the dark lady silhouette floated as it wandered in the area.

We were hiding under the short bridge that is the very same place I had in my dream. With make-up kit mirrors, Jecchan and Erylle watched the shadow’s movements until it enters the entrance of the bridge.

The shadow did not appear that it was aware of our presence, so it continued to cross the bridge. When she’s halfway finished, Erylle and Jecchan signaled the Gate Guardians, which is the appropriate time to attack!

All of us jumped upwards and blocked all the entrance and exit points of the bridge. The Aether Crusade barricaded the north side of the bridge while the Blazing Heart blocked the south side. I don’t know if this type of pincer attack would work considering that the enemy shadow can float freely in the air.

“Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!” The shadow sang, which is a sign of aggressiveness. It’s like a hissing of a cornered kitten.

“Frontlines, charge towards the battle! Support, ready the sealing spells!” Erylle commanded as she pointed her charged bow to the shadow.

The frontliners of the Aether Crusade are Rikkun, Drex, and Helena. On the Blazing Heart’s side, Yohan and Heushac. Rikkun, Heushac, and Helena deployed their swords, Drex materialized his giant mace, and Yohan readied his kite-like shield. They all had their determined gaze towards the shadow.

The support on the Aether Crusade is Jecchan and me, while on the Blazing Heart, Erylle, and Mianette. I and Mianette deployed our staves, Jecchan deployed her gunblades, and Erylle breathed to materialize arrows for her bow.

“Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!!!” The shadow cried as if giving a final warning to back off. A shockwave roared in the area which made us step back for three steps.

“Follow me!” Rikkun cried as he raised his sword. “<Aethernus>!!!”

With Rikkun as the flagship, the other Gate Guardians followed. Helena and Drex went in line behind him as he carefully paves his way all to the shadow.

The shadow noticed Rikkun’s extraordinary power, which is his Aether Armor. It turned towards their side and then unleashed ten tentacle tails towards Rikkun’s position!


Rikkun cried as he felt the painful piercing tentacles on his skin. The Aether Armor slowly chipped off, piece by piece, until Rikkun’s left shoulder, right chest, left arm, and right leg is free of protection!

“What the heck!? How can it pierce through <Aethernus>!?” Rikkun cried. “Is that shadow connected to the Frozen Sou- gyah!”

Rikkun fell down on the floor, with his butt catching the impact. Several tentacles pinned him to the asphalt of the bridge, making him unable to move an inch!

“<Lugia’s Blessing>!!!” I waved my staff that summoned a white dragon. The white dragon sprinkled healing dust towards my lover who is currently helpless like a sitting duck.

“Now’s the chance!” Heushac cried as he charged with his buster sword which is now coated with flame energy. “Hraaaagh!”

Heushac managed to cleanly slice the shadow symmetrically, but the sword just passed through as if he is just hitting a cloud.

“<Lightning Joust>!!!” Helena burst forward with her fast stab attack that went through the shadow’s heart. Just like before, the sword attack just passed through the shadow. It even almost hit Heushac’s head!

[Book 2] Gate Guardian - Song of the Frozen SoulWhere stories live. Discover now