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I woke up, crying, tears overflowing from my eyes.

The news struck me like thunder. Like what my dreams last night saw, everything about the shadow killing Miss Baroquefloux and Diadem happened. Jecchan got the reports from the Black Cross Legion and it’s the very first thing she told me this morning.

During that time, nobody could speak to me. I just went silent the whole morning. Even with Rikkun’s warm comfort and efforts, I remained sulking. Seeing my twin brother die in front of my eyes for the second time would be enough for me to go insane. 

I can’t take it.

I can’t take it anymore.

The shadow has been attacking people that are close to me. I have to do something about that monster. I have to stop it from taking more innocent lives. But my hands are tied.

For some reason, Jecchan seemed to know my desire. She took pity on me, so she immediately called the Legionmaster of the Black Cross. She made a long phone call with Sister Amanda Cryst, asking that the Aether Crusade should take the case of this phantom lady. 

After a roundabout of reasoning and debate, Jecchan reached a dead end. The Legionmaster said that the Blazing Heart Legion is the only group that can handle the case. However, Jecchan will not give up easily.

“Let’s go to the Blazing Heart Legion’s Headquarters and ask Erylle herself,” Jecchan said. 

And so, we three (Jecchan, Rikkun, and I: The trouble trio) boarded the train to Heightsburg City. The Blazing Heart Legion resides in the very same city where the Kozukata Shrine is, but that legion has exclusive jurisdiction on the Eidolon attacks and Cursed Guardian assaults on that very place. The Blazing Heart Legion takes the active role of those battles while the Kozukata Shrine is nothing more but an observer and a nursery for future Gate Guardians.

The Blazing Heart Legion’s headquarters is located in the far west suburban part of the city. It is just a simple bungalow that occupies a wide area. We even had a glimpse of their large front and backyard that is used for some sort of training grounds.

When we arrived at the place, a familiar face greeted us. Heushac is training his sword techniques when we saw him at the front yard, and he was delighted to see his best friend Rikkun. 

“Oh, so you’re here. Come in!” Heushac said as he escorted us inside.

The Blazing Heart Legion may look like a residential house from the outside, but it looks like a normal office in the inside. The first thing we saw upon entering the house is the front desk, where the crimson-haired Mianette Springfield is in charge. She’s sleeping while drooling on the fashion magazine, which is clear that she’s terrible at her job.

“Wakey wakey, you lazy squeaky!” Heushac shouted out loud at the left ear of the sleeping cute girl.

“Whaaaaaaa!!! I did not eat the ice cream in the fridge, I swear!” Mianette screamed out loud. 

When she realized that she fell on Heushac’s trap, she squinted her eyes and made a deathly glare at the blue-haired swordsman. Then she had this tomato-red color on her face when she noticed the three of us, especially Rikkun. Maybe Miss Mianette has a secret crush on my boyfriend.

“Stop sleeping on the job, you ugly bookworm,” Heushac said. “You’ll get more of those pranks if you do that again.”

“Heu... Heushaaaac!!!” Mianette roared like a bear who had her hibernation interrupted.  “Didn’t your mother tell you to respect women when they sleep, you pigshit!”

[Book 2] Gate Guardian - Song of the Frozen SoulWhere stories live. Discover now