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The tenth floor rang the bell of the campus, signaling the end of the classes. It’s been my third day in the Dradecim National High School (at least in this timeline) and I think I haven’t memorized the layout of this school. It took me a year before I could discover the locker rooms on the past timeline, so don’t be surprised if I discover something that is already here all the time.

Macho Steel, errr… I mean, Mister Kent summoned Rikkun and I right after we ended our classes. Mister Kent started this brief conference with a kind smile at me.

“So, how is the tour guide going?” Our macho history and homeroom teacher asked. “Is Mister Eisenhower here still rude to you?”

“I-It’s f-fine, Mister Kent!” I pumped my fists jollily. “Rikkun is a kind-hearted man!”

“That’s good then. I see that you guys are getting along even after that right hook a couple of days ago. Hahaha!” Mister Kent laughed like an old man.

Meanwhile, Rikkun is just there standing as if he’s a background character. He’s observing Mister Kent’s gestures and movements as if he’s a doubting wife. When Mister Kent noticed Rikkun’s stare, he immediately asked.

“What is it, Mister Eisenhower? You don’t like the tour guide job I appointed to you?”

“No, not at all, Mister Kent.” Rikkun shook his head with a smile. “I just want to ask you something.”

“What is it?”

Suddenly, Rikkun muttered under his breath “<Blur>.” In an instant, Rikkun’s face started to vibrate until it became a pixelated face that immediately erased his handsomeness! He answered our homeroom teacher once again with his echoing vibrating voice. “Does this ring a bell?”

“What the…” Mister Kent was in awe as soon as he saw the <Blur> spell. He does not seem to be curious about how Rikkun did it though. He sounds like he just discovered something so incoherent. “A-Are you…”

“<Blur>,” Rikkun said and then the vibration of his face and voice stopped. With a smile, he talked again to our teacher as if they are close. “So you remember, right?”

“O-Of course!” Mister Kent exclaimed. “I may not have the powers like before, but I can remember you! You’re the one who saved me. Wait, that was years ago! How old are you?”

“Great,” Rikkun muttered under his breath once again. Then he turned around and started to walk, completely ignoring Mister Kent’s questions. “Tiara, let’s go.”

“R-Right!” I said. I bowed to our flabbergasted teacher then left the classroom with my boyfriend.


We walked through the corridors until we reached the cafeteria. Rikkun knew that I’m hungry already so we bought egg sandwiches, cheeseburgers, spicy fried Chinese noodles, and a big bottle of soda. While I eat those meals, I noticed that Rikkun was still in deep thought. He looked like that ever since this morning, so I know he’s up to something.

“What’s troubling your mind, Rikkun?” I asked with my adorable puppy stare. "Are you worried about our threesome last night?"

“Tiara, last night is not a threesome... We three just slept together in the same bed, that's all.” Rikkun said with a forced smile. He sighed. Then he transformed his facial expression to a serious one. “I’m just checking the differences of this timeline from those on that last one. I noticed some changes and singularities while I also discovered some interesting happenings in the past.”

[Book 2] Gate Guardian - Song of the Frozen SoulWhere stories live. Discover now